A childlike, "Cooooooo-uhl!!" emitted from my mouth, the moment I saw this...
A childlike, "Cooooooo-uhl!!" emitted from my mouth, the moment I saw this...
Dang, calm down, Satan!!
Ha. ...Cameraman jumped.
Seeing stuff like this makes me extremely disappointed in our "present" (their future)...
This. This was one of my favorite shows coming up... I was actually watching all of them over again on Youtube, recently, dated dialogue and all...
My initial thoughts:
At this point, I think this should happen to all "Harlem Shakers", starting from the last month, forward...
I feel Chrysler would've been in a completely different spot, today, if they'd executed more of Exner's beautiful designs more than they did.
I'm still gonna call, "don't sleep with your shoes on" for this...
Wonder if the guys/gals a Jeep are paying attention to this? Only because I've wondered how they were going to work around the wood paneling of the Wagoneer rebirth. If they could find a way to make it classy looking (as it was once meant to be), it might not be a bad option.
Holy cow, that wondering, elderly lady really gets around...
Y'know, I had jokes while watching this. Then I read the article (spoiler dodging applies to everything). ...I feel the first words uttered in the vid says it all. God bless those people and their families.
A: I'd recognize Jack Bauer's (Keifer Sutherland's) intense whisper anywhere...
I mean, its not like Conroy hasn't done a "young Bruce" before or anything...
I feel like this'll feel like we're in a Tom Cruise movie (motorcycles, conspiracies, crazy tech, man on the run/a mission, acrobatics). ...That's not necessarily a bad thing.
Noooooooooo they didn't.