I haven't really been able to find an answer to this but, can you play co-op online? Or do you need to have someone on controller two, in the same living room as you...
I haven't really been able to find an answer to this but, can you play co-op online? Or do you need to have someone on controller two, in the same living room as you...
To be fair, that'd be pretty difficult for the average car guy/gal, little less the average consumer. There have been far worse contestants on the show. Or more aggravating, at least...
Wow. This is the first car I've seen in a while that actually looks like ...a car.
Still better looking than the new Cherokee... (dashes out of the room)
This dude officially has more consoles than necessary...
I've been following this too. Sad the trail went a bit cold and always afraid I'll miss a crucial update once they finish it.
Kind of reminds me of the latest Grand Cherokee...
Never thought I could dislike the new Jeep Cherokee any more, but seeing this beautiful beast made it possible....
Not the best at reading lips, but my quick analysis reads: "I'm can't (keep?) doing this."
Buh-dum, tisssss...
Tell me this; does at least one person throw their hat to the ground when some ...color barrier is broken? And/or, do people throw their hats in the air? You're right, I'll probably watch this movie regardless. And, to be honest, I skimmed the article to avoid spoilers. I'm just really hoping to avoid another…
So ...in other words, "Miami in the 80's".
They'd better edit this rolling product placement out of the film, right.friggin.now. The high hopes (and limits to my suspension of disbelief) I had for this movie just took a really sharp dive...
Is "Porkchop" played by Pruitt Taylor Vince?
...Why is everyone just STANDING HERE??? Somebody! Anyone! DO something! Ohgawdthehorror.
Zigged when he should'a zagged...
What a gorgeous car! Chrysler would've sold this thing like crazy...