
It’s clearly part of the conspiracy to snub anyone associated with Uncut Gems for any major entertainment award.

Hearing the Fox News anchor just say “President-elect Biden” through gritted teeth was the most satisfying moment of 2020.

Cue the celebration sequence from Return of the Jedi.

She made a pretty damn good Catwoman in my book.

His original comments were only in September? God, what even is time anymore?

but the original, which Iler says was purged along with so much else after he “watched a documentary about being a minimalist,” is long gone.”

Looks like God voted early.

Biden is infinitely better than Trump but he’s never been a great debater and I can’t help but imagine what someone like Elizabeth Warren would’ve done to Trump on that stage.

And in a surprise third act twist, Jesus discovers he’s inexplicably related to the vengeful spirit responsible for all the genocide in the previous stories.

Gamecube had Rogue Squadron 2, Luigi’s Mansion, Wave Race (and Super Smash Bros. Melee just a couple weeks later). It’s not Zelda, but certainly not bad.

I keep imagining the same goose-stepping goons that he deployed in Portland having to forcibly drag Trump’s ass out of the White House in January.

I honestly have more questions about the Captain America meme than the dick pic.

My father, a proud Italian-American, still refuses to acknowledge that there are more than two Godfather movies.

This is almost crazy enough to be a B-plot on a season of Riverdale.

I saw an ad on tv for this last night and it actually looks better than expected. Can’t wait to catch it on Disney+ next year.

I disagree. I think it’s a Han Solo situation where he only agreed to come back just to give the character a proper send off. I think Affleck still isn’t crazy about the commitment and doesn’t want to overshadow Robert Pattinson in the Batman.

I rewatched this recently for the first time in probably over 20 years and it more than held up. I probably enjoyed it even more than I did as a kid. None of the sequels can even touch it.

So reading between the lines, Affleck’s Batman likely sacrifices himself, and this will be a final send off for Affleck and a passing of the torch back to Keaton?

I was never as big of a Harry Potter fan as others in my age group, but the peak for me was the release of the fourth book in the summer of 2000.

I always wished the Star Wars sequel trilogy had played with some version of this inversion idea. The old EU flirted with it a bit.