
My older sister and I got a PS2 for Christmas that year (she just wanted the DVD player) and I remember enjoying Tekken Tag Tournament, Midnight Club and Rollercoaster Theme Park. The opening Tekken cinematic blew my 12 year old mind.

Christopher Plummer can only take on so many roles at once.

How did Nancy Drew get renewed but not this? I really wanted to like Nancy Drew but only made it through five episodes.

Daisy Ridley should be a guest so we can watch all the misogynistic neckbeards of the world burst into flames. And maybe throw in some Metric covers.

Nolan to his cast and crew: “Ah yes, I was wondering what would break first, your spirit...or your body!”

I was born in 1988 and this is the first movie I distinctly remember watching (on video in 1990). I probably haven’t seen it in 15 years but it feels hardwired into my DNA. I still remember the weird Diet Coke commercial that they included on the VHS.

There’s a great moment in the 2002 Sam Raimi movie where Goblin has JJ by the throat, but he refuses to rat out Peter as Spider-man’s photographer. It’s made even better by how the film doesn’t dwell on it, and JJ immediately goes back to cursing Spider-man afterwards.

[The Lethal Weapon 5 episode of Its Always Sunny tugs on its collar nervously]

I love the scene in the unrated cut where James Marsden shows up and one of the characters randomly shouts “it’s Cyclops!” Such an underrated movie.

Step by step, day by day (day by day). Something something...something something...make it happen, second time around!

All those 90’s kids with their Hornet jackets tried to warn us.

Can’t wait for the A.V. Club to do a whole piece on Scarlett Johansson’s performance in this as well.

Just wait until he comes back in pog form 

The third Tom Holland Spider-man was rumored for July 2021. Wonder if that’s also delayed.

What? They couldn’t be protesting a low level Austrian soldier and aspiring art student in 1915?

Just release the butthole cut already

I didn’t even realize he was in Quantum of Solace until seeing this comment, but I think the short answer to your question is the 2007 writer’s strike.

I like Jedi, but I’ll always regret that we didn’t get something closer to the earlier, darker drafts before Gary Kurtz and Lucas parted ways. Plus, they were originally going to use Wookies instead of Ewoks, which would’ve been way cooler. 

7 year old me did not draw the connection between Vader and his Force ghost in the original version. I actually thought it was Uncle Owen.

I vaguely remember an old EU comic that had him survive the end of Jedi and he kept the armor but just painted it white.