
I believe Brandon Flowers is the only actual Mormon in the band. And I think some of the people who really liked Hot Fuss were turned off by their shift to a more Americana, Bruce Springsteen style. Personally, I’ve enjoyed all their work and would probably put Sam’s Town just slightly above Hot Fuss.

Meanwhile, Matthew Fox has been practicing strict self-isolation since at least 2015.

Last week I kept wondering how a beanie would blunt a blow from a rock, but after seeing Joan’s weak sauce swing, it makes sense. And I’m glad the show at least lampshaded the Stonewall kids’ stupidity in not making sure Jughead was dead.

These guys get paid?! Jesus, I picked the wrong career.

It would have required less explanation and retconning to just reveal that Palpatine used the dark side to create Rey and she was just born to some nobody parents. It’s implied in the prequels (and I believe confirmed in a comic) that he created Anakin the same way. This would have given her a connection to Palpatine

Yeah, my metric for how young someone is is how well they remember 9/11. I was talking to some college seniors recently who had no memory of 9/11 and I felt a million years old.

My mom is a little hard of hearing and talks a bit louder than average as a result. Every time she would walk into my sister’s room, her furbie would yell “Loud sound!” which really got under her skin after awhile.

Well, probably, but exchanging money isn’t a requirement to create an attorney-client relationship like its portrayed in the show. It’s mostly about whether the client reasonably believes based on the circumstances that an attorney-client relationship has been created. As good practice, attorneys will get a signed

We actually watched that scene from Breaking Bad where Saul asks Walt and Jessie to pay him a dollar in my legal ethics class as an example of how not to create an attorney-client relationship.

Heritage sucks, but I’m just glad they’re coming at all given how many bands seem to skip over Cincinnati on tour.

Throw in the flight scene from MOS, Wonder Woman’s entrance during the Doomsday fight, and Bruce driving through Metropolis at the beginning of BvS and you’d have an incomprehensible, but pretty solid 45 minute movie.

Does anyone watch Nancy Drew? I’ve watched several episodes, but I just can’t get into it.

And his inevitable return will be inspired by Rise of Skywalker with a throwaway line about food science and legume magic.

Amy Ryan - the only woman who could tame both Michael Scott and Jimmy McNulty

You had me at Marisa Tomei

Yeah, I can imagine making Lizzie one of the (many) white woman that voted for Trump wouldn’t land very well.

Me after watching The Last Jedi: Hmm...Rey’s origin is a bit anticlimatic, but at least they didn’t go with something boring and obvious like making her Palpatine’s granddaughter.

This articulates my feelings on Rian Johnson and Last Jedi better than I ever could. He’s clearly a talented director but so much of the Last Jedi just fell flat for me (except for the Rey/Kylo stuff).

Yeah, good luck enforcing that, Pete. 

As a history buff and fan of intricate world-building, I’ve loved this show from day 1, despite the slow first season, so I’m glad to hear it ends on a high note.