
I also liked the scene with Michonne and Judith fighting off Walkers together. It mirrors a very similar shot from season 4 with Rick and Carl, except Michonne looks at Judith with pride and Rick looked at Carl with a hint of apprehension.

A great Ron Swanson costume really requires at least a passing resemblance to Nick Offerman. I was Ron Swanson in 2014 and just looked like someone’s dad.

Narrator: “It was.”

I say “gooood Anakin” quietly to myself at least once a week.

On a somewhat related note, I rewatched Dark Knight Rises recently, and I really think Hathaway doesn’t get enough credit for the role.

Glad to see Jesse get a relatively happy ending. And for Gilligan’s next movie, Kim Wexler’s emotional reunion with Gene from Omaha.

Yeah, looking at how much run time was left after Walt’s scene, I figured that was it for BB cameos, so when she showed up, I genuinely gasped. 

It says it’s nearly a decade into the apocalypse, which by my count is about where the main series is at after all the time jumps in season 9.

Kenneth Choi can be seen in that Wolf of Wall Street clip, and he also played Spider-man’s principal in Homecoming (the grandson of another character he played in Captain America.)

I know I’m the only one but I wouldn’t mind Leto popping up in a glorified cameo. His Joker wasn’t good, but it was such a ridiculous and off-putting train wreck that I couldn’t look away.

Well Guardians of the Galaxy is basically a punk rock Star Wars where Luke is replaced by a Han Solo type and Han is replaced by a talking raccoon. 

Still waiting for Michael Keaton and Michelle Pfeiffer to appear in a sort of Dark Knight Returns for the Burton universe.

Probably for the best they didn’t put Portman in a diaper. After that Cats trailer, I’ve had enough weird sexual awakenings for one year. 

But where’s the love for the Flenderson Files?!

Sounds promising. She was pretty good in Bumblebee and Edge of Seventeen. On a related note, have they confirmed Linda Cardellini? Asking for a friend. 

No love for the new Amun’s album? Listening to it now and really digging it.

This sounds like the MCU but for dads.

I was so big on Zune that ten years later when it got ironically name checked in Guardians of the Galaxy, I had multiple friends text me about it. 

Joey and maybe Monica are the only two I would even remotely want to be friends with in real life. For all his womanizing and other character flaws, Joey is loyal and seems to care the most about his friends, which goes a long way given the show’s title. Plus, he’d be able to show you all the best sandwich spots in

Can we unleash her on all the misogynistic neck beards who somehow think her and Brie Larson are worse than Hitler?