
I don’t know about Jeremy Renner as a person, but his take on Hawkeye was actually pretty great after the first Avengers movie. Or maybe the welcome addition of Linda Cardellini to the MCU is just clouding my judgment.

Can we find a comfortable middle ground between rehashing Uncle Ben’s death and pretending he never existed while Happy Hogan creeps on his widow?

At least we still have Chris Evans being real life Captain America on twitter.

Well, Padme is actually 14 in Phantom Menace (which makes her election as queen of a planet even dumber), and Anakin is just shy of 10. Then in Clones, she is 24 and he just turned 20. I had way too much time on my hands in middle school and read the novelizations of both movies.

I was 11, so aside from the obvious Phantom Menace hype, I was really in to Pokemon. I remember spending god knows how much on trading cards and dragging my poor mom to see Pokemon the First Movie.

I recently rewatched the whole series, and I didn’t think Phantom Menace was that bad. Attack of the Clones is so much worse. The outdated CGI is way overused compared to Phantom Menace, which relied on a surprising amount of practical effects. Anakin comes off as such an unlikable creep. Padme is rightfully turned

Uh, more like CEO than secretary. And yeah, Guiness once agreed to sign an autograph for a kid, on the condition that he agree to never watch Star Wars again.

I mean, she’s met Sebastian Stan like three times and still doesn’t know who he is.

So out of all the existential, white male rebels against establishment movies of 1999, I think at this point I’m putting Office Space on top, Matrix a close second, Fight Club a distant third and American Beauty last.

I liked season 9, but season 5’s Company Picnic would’ve served as a great series finale.

I don’t mean to challenge the legal authority of Wikipedia, but deception can include either 1) fraud in factum (misunderstanding as to the act itself) or 2) fraud in the inducement (deception as to an ancillary matter). Fraud in the inducement, which includes impersonating another person, has only very recently been

I actually think rape by deception is when the victim doesn’t think he or she is consenting to a sex act (i.e. fake medical examination). I believe a revenge of the nerds scenario isn’t considered rape in most jurisdictions because the victim is technically consenting to the sex act. I know that’s fucked up, but the

An NES version of the Top Gun theme is so 80’s, I’m surprised Stranger Things hasn’t built a whole season around it.

More like a rum-tum-tigger 

JJ Abrams was probably distracted during their conversation by the giant dump trunk of money pulling into his driveway from Disney.

I loved Ragnarok so much and am concerned whether they can capture that magic a second time. Part of that movie’s appeal is that it was so unexpected and far out of left field. 

The article doesn’t even mention the new Mission Impossible which was supposed to be pretty good. And I’m here for anything with Anna Kendrick. 

I thought Family Matters was a Die Hard spin-off.

The Cadillac. Whenever Aunt May shows up in the new Spider-man movies, all I can hear is “Marisa Tomei!” in George’s voice.

I always assumed that Avatar was Cameron’s attempt at world peace by uniting the world against a common enemy. Like Ozymandias in Watchman but with mediocre filmmaking instead of alien slugs.