
His little tumble down the stairs earlier that season was also pure gold.

If Donald Glover is too busy, Billy Dee Williams would be an acceptable replacement.

The CGI in Phantom Menace never struck me as bad because it was used more sparingly with a surprising amount of practical effects. Attack of the Clones always looked worse to me because it was as if Lucas felt confident enough after Phantom Menace to go all in on CGI even though the technology wasn’t quite there yet.

Alright Sinbad, this has been a long time coming.


I’ve never read the comic, but after just watching Dark Phoenix, I actually enjoyed Last Stand’s version of the story more. No offense to Sophie, but I preferred Famke Jannssen’s more deranged take, even if she was completely underused.

She’s getting death threats from fanatical Beyonce fans over some perceived slight, and you’re feeding into it. Get a life.

Great. Now we can finally stop pretending that central Georgia looks like northern Virginia, where the last few seasons take place.

Oh yeah, in the context of the movie, it’s absolutely cringe worthy. Of course, when I say it, it’s while crying into my pillow with CNN in the background, so it’s somewhat less insidious.

But, I mean, same tbh.

“New Girl, if Jess was a renegade detective/gambling addict.” Stop reading my fan fiction!

Is it a straight adaption or a story based on that time period and inspired by the game? KOTOR was actually based off a 90’s comic series called Tales of the Jedi, so there’s plenty of expanded universe material for them to pull from.

Hey, let’s hire the stunning and talented Keri Russell but hide her face behind a ridiculous giant mask.

As a non-book reader, I can only assume all these references to Young Griff are from GRRM’s Back to the Future II fan fiction. 

Game of Thrones had it right all along. We need a presidential candidate in 2020 willing to go full Dracarys, Mad Queen on these ass backwards bull shit states.

But his mother’s name is Clare!

I’ll admit to getting weirdly nostalgic for the early seasons. I would watch them between classes in college back when there weren’t many streaming options. I also went to a pretty nerdy college, and the characters did remind me of a few of my classmates.

Calling it now - Dany ends up with Aunt Robin in the finale. 

Even my undying love of Pam Beasley couldn’t get me through more than a couple episodes of Spitting Up Together. She deserves better. 

Apparently this person had some pull over at Fox because they changed the climax of the new X-men movie from space to a train in reshoots.