
I saw Star Trek: Insurrection with a friend and we were the only people in the theater. I used the occasion to climb up on a platform over the doors, and stood up in front of the projector so it plastered a huge silhouette of my head on the screen.

Why are we fighting for!?

How did the Kevin Roberts sketch not make the writer's best-of list? Can a bitch get a donut?

Yeah, that's my memory of going to college and hearing the bros call him "Dave" constantly. Then referring to "Dave and Tim". Their bros.

I remember Politico running a photograph with their site's lead story back in 2009/2010 that showed an elderly man sporting some paraphernalia that read, "Proud to Be a Teabagger". It's 2016, and their initial claiming of that word is still hilarious to me. I live in the Beltway, and one day we decided to tease our

I did enjoy their music, just couldn't stop seeing him as a homeless man's Michael Hutchence.

Yeah, season 6 is uneven but worth watching. There's as much laugh-out-loud material as in any other season, even if the bulk of the episodes don't match the overall quality of seasons 1-3.

I can deal with either. Would've preferred the demo version of Kiss Me on the Bus; that's the perfect sound for rock 'n roll.

This CD dragged me here, I don't know …

Best episode this season! So glad Community can still be this good.

Agreed on the Queens show. I saw them at a Montreal festival at the beginning of August and the crowd was dead as hell. This was fantastic.

The part that gets me is when he's talking to Jenny (supposedly after she died), and he says, "And he's so smart, Jenny." Glad I'm not the only one affected by his concern.

The author's point is that two consensual sex scenes were needlessly turned into two rape scenes. I think the author's rightful reaction is, "What the hell?"


Show: B

This made me laugh even though I can tell others might hate it. Liked seeing Chang restrained for virtually the entire season, just to explode with that annoying nonsense.

The one image that cracked me up was the panda bear cut-out on the wall where they obviously just stuck a collar and tail onto it. So funny that they did 10 seconds of work to turn it into an obese dalmatian.

Sorry man, hope it turns around for you.

I'm not sure I've ever laughed harder during a Community episode than this one. Not saying the overall quality was better than Remedial Chaos Theory or the like, but Chang's final "Bear. Down. For midterms" line and the Dean's perspective on Labyrinth's macho rock star were awesome.

A. Funniest episode of the year so far.