Brobalt SS

This team is so shitty, the fans can taste it from the parking lot

She will get caught doing shady and illegal things. Over and over, she will get caught.

“We all said all these shady and unethical things, but they became public, so let’s make sure the people who made them public get blamed so that we don’t take any blame for having said all those things in the first place.”

I know my translation is longer, but I had to articulate your subtext. Sorry.

Look over here! It’s Donald Trump! That should distract everyone enough.

So the, who is to blame: Guccifer 2.0 or the Russians? Because, I’m told, who’s to blame is the most important part of this whole thing.

Then maybe liberals should shut the fuck up with “the science is settled” since 1. it’s obviously not and 2. science is never “settled”.

I’ll just lift up my leg and wipe the rim off with my sock, then go about my business as if nothing happened.

There’s at least some truth to almost every single one of those statements. I still love it here though, warts and all. I would be sad if Jalopnik stopped existing.

Our biggest game in the last five seasons was spoiling the number retirement for a drug-addled redneck/Wisconsin Jesus during a 6-10 season.

What a monolith of fan-spewed negativity; thank God there are some Giants fans left brimming with optimism and perspective.


I’m not talking about the characters, I’m talking about as the reader. If I don’t have any hope that a world is anything other than horrible things happening to people, then I am no longer vested in that world. Frankly, it’s unrealistic.

Bonus GIF

Vermette and Teuvo as they go past Q to the locker room.

I can’t with Ducks fans. I hate the Kings, but at least their fans are somewhat fun. Duck fans and their incessant whining about the officiating.

When I try to show them that the Hawks were the second least penalized team this year, and the Anaheim the sixth most, and that the Hawks have been at or near the bottom

I don’t understand how anyone could not like watching this.