Brobalt SS

I’m sorry, I cannot get behind you re: that statue. That thing is fucking excellent. If I were a billionaire, I’d certainly have a statue built in my honor of me leading a charge of panthers with a football in hand as my weapon of choice. FUCK YEAH

Tebow’s Christian, not Mormon.

I look forward to three years from now when he signs and plays for an NBA minor league team like the Philidelphia 76ers.

This pleases me.

Part of the issue with Packers fans thinking it is their birthright to watch their team in the playoffs every year is because if you’re under 30, you’ve never seen a consistently shitty team. They’ve been in the playoffs 18 of the last 22 years. That’s amazing. I’m 34 and my earliest memories involve Don Majikowski


That sound you heard was Drew Magary spiraling down a vortex of sorrow.

You’re right on that one, every time my taxes are used to feed hungry people instead of giving Corporations Tax cuts so they won’t do a corporate inversion (which they end up doing anyway) I do feel good.

TL;DR. Company originally claiming that job was performed by algorithms now claims people pretending to be algorithms had jobs replaced by actual algorithms. Algorithms have no strong feelings about the increased workload. We hope.

The fuck I just read?

Dak feels like he could take on the entire Empire himself!

“...reconsider your opinion of them.”

Kinda reminds me of a grown up version of the Gerber baby...

So, now that Gawker is gone is this where I go to tell people that they’re wrong?

Hey, the English have been punching the Irish for hundreds of years, and suddenly now it’s not okay.

ohh, get off it.

Also, the burgers by themselves are not really a caloric issue. It’s when you add a soft drink and fries that a McDonald’s meal becomes an issue. A hamburger is 250 calories. Add a medium fries and a sweet tea, and you’re at 720. I’m not sure what items the author was using for his “840 calories in a Happy Meal”

Ask any H-1B slave if they can just hop around to any job they want or if they have to stick with the company that brought them over. Ask them if that company is paying them at or above market rate.

Go read about how Disney replaced a lot of Americans with H1-B workers. The H1-B program is the mexican farm labor of the tech world.