Krombopulos Michael

I found the same situation last year. Really not excited about it anymore. 😞

I found the same situation last year. Really not excited about it anymore. 😞

I agree 100%. There is a definite difference in trainabilty and reliability between people who completed college and those who did not. Also, looks like they are expecting decent professional writing skills (reporting).

Because they want to make sure you’re trainable. A bachelor’s is fairly easy to achieve. Requiring one is a super quick way to sort between people who are easily trainable and people who are not.

I have sent this message SO many times. Had to quit my job recently because my left eye would not stop twitching in frustration. Response I got every time = “ok”.

There’s still time to become a citizen, turn 18, register to vote! Whatever you need, lol. Election isn’t until November!

“I will never understand the logic of forcing a woman who can’t afford to have a kid to pay for an abortion.”

Wow, that is actually quite progressive. Our state doesn’t require ultrasounds to observe placement, or to improve the woman’s health. RU486 doesn’t care where it is, especially during the first week, yet they require the ultrasound anyway, even if the nurse doing the procedure knows beforehand that he/she won’t be…

Similar situation on South Carolina. Law requires an ultrasound, but they dont require you to look at it or listen to it. I found the requirement for an Ultrasound to only raise the cost of the procedure to being prohibitively expensive for lower income women. Oddly, asking for RU486 is the most expensive procedure…

You must let us know what parts you’ll be visiting. Vast country, so many parts to see. I’ve lived in several states, but still haven’t visited them all.