
I interpreted “don’t wash it in the sun” similar to “don’t feed it after midnight”: it doesn’t make any sense, but failure to obey the rules will turn it into a Gremlin.

To avoid water ingress you have to put it in “Boat” mode.

Neuralink, duh!

I wonder if the engineers ever pointed this out and if they did, what they were told to do (or not do). 

Imagine being such a Tesla/Elon fanboy that you’re willing to risk your OWN FINGERS to try to pwn the haters. That’s borderline Jonestown stuff right there.

So? With safe and reliable Full Self Driving, who needs fingers?

You’re blaming the design of Tesla Cybertruck?!? What about blaming the poor design of fingers that allows them to be chopped off as easily as carrots?

The sign is ugly, and that’s not just me being an Elon hater. It looks like it was cobbled together using scrap metal and building materials they had laying around the building. And to make matters worse, there are aerial photos of the thing sitting on the roof, and it’s being held down with sand bags. I can see why

The story of the Titanic is often portrayed as being a parable of Man’s hubris and how they arrogantly declared that the ship was unsinkable doomed it.

Uh, carbon fiber submarine hull??? Wtf.

I don’t know why you threw in ADHD/Autism even as a joke, because it makes no sense and just perpetuates a false dichotomy and builds unnecessary stigmas. This guy is no different from every c-suit, company executive, CEO, or investor. They are driven by greed, and in this guy’s case to be admired.

If you want to slap

The right has a love affair with unfuckable male faces. The dumber the better. Trump, DeSantis, Graham ... I mean, Mitch Mcconnell is the very definition of nightmare fuel.

The claim that remote work is “morally wrong” is like everything Musk says: not thought through, not well-reasoned, but delivered with lots of confidence.

Says someone who didn’t pay his office rent.

Covering up bad smells with chemical smells is hardly an improvement. Line your trash can and empty it regularly. 

Speaking of strangling workflow. The graphical interface of the the browser version of Office is just absolutely atrocious. Like, it’s almost impossible to even figure out how to browse to open a damn file. How hard is it to use the standard file dialog box that everybody has used for the last 30 years? But no,

This is the society you get when you treat firearm ownership as an inalienable right, rather than a privilege with responsibilities.

Nope. The pennies were dumped in a big pile on the guy’s driveway, along with a note saying “fuck you.” The coins were also covered in some sort of oil.

I used to work for a company that made a RADAR based blind spot monitoring system.  I would occasionally point out that almost any car can be easily set up such that you didn’t even need the dollar and eighty nine cent convex mirror that could replace our system.  People did not find this charming...

The vast majority of people don’t realize that sideview mirrors can be adjusted to the point where there is almost no blind spot between the side and rear view mirrors. There is no need to see the sides of your car in your sideview mirrors, it’s just a waste of mirror space. There is also no need to see behind you