
Well, she’s Jewish now, what do you expect?

as rarefied as his splurges

“I feel betrayed by a man that I supported in every way for more than 20 years,” Mrs. Giuliani said in an interview.

GOP Family Values (tm) don’t really kick in until after the fourth acrimonious divorce.

“Only get Kevin involved in something if you want it not to work.”

“It’s not all just about slowly walking while holding a bunch of FedEx boxes full of sperm and singing to a baby.”

“the only acceptable position is on your knees, mouth full of diseased orange mushroom.”

I hope Trump has a brutal stroke on camera and suffers locked-in syndrome. And I hope the GOP stays true to form and his successor spends the rest of the term taking to Fox News and mocking the weak “Dotard Trump” for shitting himself on camera, so Donald has to watch everyone mocking him.

I think it’s become my fondest wish that, one day, Trump goes to say “fake news”, but he only manages to get “fake ne.......” out when he suddenly starts convulsing and drooling wildly and strokes out on the floor with all the cameras rolling.

I wonder if Trump realizes that every time he denies something like this, everyone sees it as confirmation that he did do it.

The real way to remember the victims of 9/11 is for the “True Patriots” to skip memorials while others attend to hold a secret vote.

“She’s got a son...together, that is a beautiful young man,” Trump continued. “And she feels very, very strongly about it.”


Go on...

Now that’s not fair. All Trump’s sources have names. John Barron for instance. Not a real person, but hey, he’s got a name !

Many, many people who are just asking questions say so. The average folks who spontaneously call the President to tell him what a great job he’s doing would concur.

10 to 1 Trump’ll start shit talking Bolton today. After all, Bolton has been tweeting information that is contradictory to what Trump said.

I hear they have both types of music there...