Well, it didn’t involve registering for wedding gifts so I don’t know how it compares?
Well, it didn’t involve registering for wedding gifts so I don’t know how it compares?
They’re claiming Kimmel is using his son to push his “libtard” agenda. Oh, so not having children die from treatable conditions b/c the parents can’t afford it is a “liberal” point of view? And they have the chutzpah to say they’re protecting kids.
Juice is not bad. Outside of rare cases (trans fats) no foods are inherently bad. Juice is a perfectly fine addition to normal healthy diet.
Labelling foods “bad” can actually be dangerous, and create weird relationships with food that lead to issues like Orthorexia nervosa
Laurie Penny’s articles about Milo should be required reading:
Also, I’m not sure what Netflix specifically did to piss off Mr. Ebony Raven Dementia Darkness Overlord here, but as far as this consumer is concerned Netflix is significantly less evil than my cable company. In order of most evil to least evil: Comcast, Hulu, Netflix. It’s irrelevant to me if OITNB is online…
“It’s very important people understand this is about human rights, not just women’s.”
“I don’t feel like it’s a male or female story; it’s a survival story.”
It’s so CLEARLY a story about women and women’s rights. Yes, there are men in it too, of course, but the novel isn’t about “humans.” It’s about women. Like, why are we even discussing this?
And stamina! Clearly she was about to drop dead, and her dangerous woman parts were falling out. That’s why she needed to wear pants, and not a proper skirt.
“..and you thought MY plotlines were too far out!” Tom Clancy through a Ouija boards.
Goop hasn’t hit rock bottom yet.
Men are so smart and rational and not emotional at all and that is why they are in charge of everything because ladies are too crazy because of periods and emotions. A man would never do anything crazy for attention or to be spiteful, only women do stuff like that.
Yeah, why are we assuming the ladies are some sort of victims here?
Why is he a douche? Just because he bangs lots of models? Doesn’t necessarily make Him shallow. Settling down and monogamy aren’t for everyone. He seems pretty honest and open about his hedonistic bachelorhood lifestyle so I don’t get the hate.
Also, the argument my very conservative relatives use is that executive orders like this one are *really* about ‘reducing government spending’, not specifically punishing anyone. Somehow they think (they really think) that by denying contraceptive care for women and men, by making AIDS tests harder to get, by making…
Hi, cis straight girl here. Because of where I live and my social circle, I’ve gotten to witness many folks transition (both male, female, and in-between) and there comes a point where you’re just familiar with certain signs that someone has transitioned or is starting the process. Voice, body type, facial hair,…
I’m a feminist. But I still watch and enjoy Woody Allen movies. You can enjoy the art that shitty people make. Infact most people who make great things are usually pretty shitty people. I get if people can’t always disconnect though.
I’m with you. I hesitate to comment on these type of articles because oftentimes the comment is “I’m not in favor of the death penalty, BUT”. No, there should be no equivocation. Just like abortion you believe in it or you don’t.
Nice try. Can you verify that he actually wrote that line? Because it doesn’t appear in the original script, where, for one thing, the race of the role played by the Indian actor wasn’t specified. If anything, it seems like the kind of thing that was improvised on set by Jake Johnson, in character. (In the script, the…