
Also, when survey-based research is conducted with minors, research participant protection procedures tend to be even more stringent. Conducting survey-based research actually takes a lot of work, and if a school is either being funded by the CDC to conduct the Youth Behavior Risk Survey, or is taking on that research

LOL. It’s “inappropriate” for a gay student to admit being gay, but it’s totally fine and actually mandatory to ask about cocaine usage.

Furthmore if he came out in the 80's it would have been much more worthy of respect, rather than waiting until nobody remembers that they cared that he hadn’t come out yet.

Every person comes out (or doesn’t) on their own terms. You can’t force someone to be a gay role model, even if they’re a celebrity. You admit in your own comment that it requires courage to come out. Also, people are entitled to privacy if they so choose, I would say especially in regard to their sex life.

The turds don’t fall far from the asshole.

The Democrats will make a deal with me on healthcare as soon as ObamaCare folds - not long. Do not worry, we are in very good shape!

asking you to be in very good shape is what they intend to replace the affordable care act with, btw.

It’s true, but it’s also true that she said she stopped wearing makeup because of the unrealistic expectations for appearance that women face, so wearing makeup and pretending you aren’t wearing makeup is just as bad as photoshop and crazy contouring in terms of setting up unreasonable expectations for how women

Just a friendly reminder that we had 33 hearings into Benghazi and millions of dollars spent over several years which turned up nothing. Now they’re circling the wagons to protect foreign intervention into our election (which all intelligence agencies agree happened). Republican hypocrisy knows no bounds.

I’ve already seen the “he had a gun!” posts on FB. Never mind that a group of armed men starts busting down your door at 630am, and under Illinois law, a homeowner can use reasonable force to protect himself. I guess stand your ground really means, stand your ground against scary brown people in their pajamas, in

Legally, you’re only allowed to brandish a weapon against law enforcement if they’re coming to confiscate your guns.

I believe his daughter if she says her father didn’t own a gun.

People don’t realize that this is the opposite of how a gov’t is supposed to run. I don’t mean that it shouldn’t be responsible about spending, but it also has to be a lot of things to a lot of people.

An anecdote of why you can’t run government like a business. As told by Jamie Vollmer:

Anyone who is appalled by the tone of this email is adorably inexperienced when it comes to receiving emails from the executive leadership down to middle management and below. The genre is always self-congratulatory and filled with ‘team wins’ that mean nothing to the recipients, but the execs feel like ‘sharing the

Not really clear on what they expected him to say? I mean, he says, “Hey, folks still working at US Weekly, this is going to be really good for you and the people who have acquired you are good people to work for,” and he says, “Hey, folks who are still working with us, don’t worry, this is part of a bigger plan

Gee whiz, it’s almost like bi women don’t feel safe when interacting with queer spaces because of prejudiced fuckheads like you?

“We need more women, just because” is the kind of straw man that lazy thinkers use when they want to convince people that they don’t have to do any intellectual work. It’s not “just because”, and it never has been. Women buy and play video games, and are participating significantly in the economic market for video

Did you ever fucking consider that because of heteronormative society its just fucking easier to date men? If there isn’t a gay bar that caters to women in your area, and there are like two women on tinder or okcupid, who you might have a beef with or already dated, then men become your only option. Colleges tend to