Excuse me but I breastfed my three kids and now they all developed super powers, one of them flies, the other is invisible at will and the third one can climb walls and turn into a shadow.
Excuse me but I breastfed my three kids and now they all developed super powers, one of them flies, the other is invisible at will and the third one can climb walls and turn into a shadow.
You referred to liberals as the other side, so people who can read are going to assume you are a conservative, kid. Do you not know how words work? If you are not, you sure are imitating one very well.
Only place you can’t put tinfoil.
You keep saying I sound so dumb, but aren’t saying why or otherwise putting forward a counterargument of any kind, so I can only assume that you’re putting a juvenile desire for a dangerous object no civilian needs above legitimate concerns over public safety.
He has every right to complain. I’m sure it will be extremely difficult for a former state governor to find low effort & lucrative lobbying work. Especially a Republican.
“...shows a lack of a basic understanding of human biology.”
Well, if you are going to do couple’s tattoos, I think they did it right. They each did their own thing, they just did it together. The only thing that ties them together is the memories.
Let Bernie run... As the Independent he is, instead of becoming a convenience-Democrat.
I’ve heard of lots of people who are really into working out hungover. I tried yoga once hungover and Jesus fuck I wanted to die. When you are hungover you sleep forever and then you watch TV on the sofa for the rest of eternity. There is no other way.
supporting his Oscar win is not the same as supporting his personal life. The two can be separate things. It was not an Oscar win for his life choices, it was an Oscar win for a small segment of time in which he acted. It is possible to separate the two things, how many people in life to shitty and arguably shitty…
Zero tolerance for shamefully bright colors!
I want to say to him ‘Wow it must be so difficult having people gauge their attraction to you based on your personality and respectfulness and not on superficial things that actually don’t indicate any real measure of your worth. Poor men :(’
Well a swamp provides ecological benefits and has a reason to exist.
There is no god. We (and when I say “we” I don’t mean myself, but the collective “people”) did this. There is no scenario where this ends well. Ask mid 20th century Germany how it worked out for them.
“if there’s not blow actually dripping out of your nose at time of death, “eh, natural causes, what can you do?”
I don’t get the Hiddleston hate. Especially here. The man is on a promo tour for his movie. Talk about his movie, for Pete’s sake. If you want to talk about his love life, call his agent/publicist/whatever and set up an interview about that. Don’t get upset that he is upset that you talk about his private life when…
It is truly the parable of the Good Samaritan in action. If you see a man suffering by the roadside, “temporarily” ban your refugee program and praise your christian values in the same breath.
ahhhh. . . . economic anxiety? Or so I was told.
These people don’t know the difference between a Sikh, a Hindu, a Muslim, a dark skinned Catholic, an Arab, a North African, an Israeli Jew...you get my drift.