
I think it would be okay. It’s very much a coming of age story so some of it might not really be relatable but it isn’t especially violent or sexy or anything (at least in comparison to other superhero films). There might be some moments in the final battle that are a little touch and go, but the physical comedy is a

What cabinet position do you think Cheetolini will offer him?

I think it’s meant to be an involuntary hesitation. Not something they would necessarily realise they’d done but something the techs can notice.

From true crime books I’ve read, i think stabbing is also often less effective for murder because it’s much more personal than standing 2 metres/more away and shooting someone. So people tend to hesitate (even people who claim to feel nothing) and don’t stab as deep as would be necessary.


I think the issue is that they needed to be able to be taken off part way through. Normally the prosthetics would have included smaller and more delicate pieces which would enhance the realism.

Especially since all we actually know is that she had a heart attack. All the other detail, i.e. she was without oxygen for 10 minutes, came from people observing with no medical background. Who knows what they actually saw?

It’s more about the way they use rape, rather than the fact that they’re looking at rape. If you look at the GoT example, a lot of the criticism is that where male characters have a range of conflicts and issues, the female characters mostly deal with rape after rape - which is then used to motivate the male


Jesus, what kind of psychopath is so casually dissmissive about the most recognisable hate symbol in the world?


In response to a question from the jury the judge specifically noted that the “act of Tostee putting Ms Wright on his balcony constituted removing her from his property*.”

I’m in Australia and the jury were out for 4 days deliberating. One question they returned to ask the judge was whether someone being moved to the balcony counts as removing them from your property. The judge said yes. A second question was whether language counts as force. The judge said no. I have a feeling these 2

I hope this little girl has someone in her corner. An aunt or cousin or someone who has even a tiny shred of sanity and will try to protect her from this garbage fire of a family.

Not to mention her struggles to have kids while dealing with her diagnosis and mum’s death. The woman deserves to be ecstatic about dressing up her babies!

God, i love how much colour she wears. Divine.

Even if that were true, why would you* vote for him? Either he has bigoted opinions and policies or no known policies at all. I just can’t understand this argument, is it just a complete hatred of Hilary Clinton?

When i was in high school two of my friends who had been dating forever (in high school terms) slept together. The girl’s father found out and threatened to have the boyfriend charged with statutory rape because he was 6 months older, and over the legal age of consent. He was terrified and completely broke contact

Compared to most of the stories on this thread i had a pretty breezy experience but i remember in grade 4 or 5 sitting on the oval* with friends playing some silly singing game and the teacher on duty told us to get off the oval because the only reasons girls would be on the oval is to stare at the boys and that would

Norway 2011