What? No I’m talking about being the person to legally kill another person.
What? No I’m talking about being the person to legally kill another person.
If it’s easy for someone, they probably shouldn’t have that particular job.
Not every drunk driver is an alcoholic.
Have you seen the trailer for Key and Peele’s new movie Keanu? I think you’ll be happy with the cat’s attire.
I was in Europe recently and went to the Sachsenhausen camp near Berlin and felt really squicked out by people taking any photos at all. So many people died there and it felt inappropriate to treat it like any other tourist site.
I actually think i agree. It could have been this really bittersweet moment where he was telling the kids their epic journey to find each other to keep their mother alive for them, if only in stories.
I’m so glad it looks like she’s moved on from the see-through sparkly gowns with the nana knickers underneath. Actually I’m glad everyone has moved past that.
My question about Dassey’s alleged abuse is when did it occur? He was still in high school so he would have been born after Steve went to prison, and he was only out a year or so right? That isn’t to say it didn’t happen or isn’t possible, but i feel like it’s more likely that it was brought up during those insane…
My friend told me that at 6-7. It didn’t phase me either until i got closer to period age and was like noooooo, i can’t deal with that on a forever basis! Thank god my mum sat me down and let me know the truth of it.
I found out about santa because my mum had written the letter from him on the computer and left the printed copy in the printer a week before christmas. But i didn’t tell her for another 3 years because i figured that’d mean i wouldn’t get santa gifts if i let on that i knew the truth.
Not a lie, but a silly misunderstanding. My little sister thought a clairvoyant was a person called Claire Voyant. She thought this for ages before asking us who Miss Voyant was since she’s mentioned in so many different tv shows and conversations.
I gave up on Dear Prudence right around the point where she told a woman who was annoyed that her husband masturbated in bed next to her while she slept, to suck it up and do it for him instead.
I just read a book about Ted Bundy and that was basically his answer when anyone asked if he was guilty: “i get plenty of women, why would i rape and murder them?”
They wore the tank/tshirt combo in the tennis scene of Clueless, which is what i thought of first. But I’m almost certain it was probably a Lizzie McGuire thing too now that you mention it.
I rememver my mum telling me as a kid to never name your kids so that they have the same intials, a husband and brother with the same *names* would probably give her a heart attack!
My surname is hyphenated and even though I’m nowhere near marriage I have thought about this a lot. I’m in a worse boat than many because my hyphanated surname is 16 letters long so it’s not exactly possible to somehow condense to then hyphenate with my future husbands surname. I’m also the only child in my family…
She did mention at one point that the a-line skirt cut down the models height. I think she was caught between doing what the client wanted, doing what would actually suit the client and giving the judges something new. I like Ashley, but she doesn’t seem to have much of a range. Same with Candace, everything is…
I’ve only seen the last four or five seasons and i remember that guy ... although i think there is someone crying over their real model’s boobs/waist/butt/shoulders every season so i could be wrong.
They got you a card, they didn’t come empty handed.