I think this entire thing is really worrying, but what is really pissing me off is his misuse of “McCarthyism” considering that he is starting witch hunts himself. Talk about projection...
I think this entire thing is really worrying, but what is really pissing me off is his misuse of “McCarthyism” considering that he is starting witch hunts himself. Talk about projection...
This has happened in the last 2 days: It came out that Sessions had 2 meetings with the Russian Ambassador during the campaign, then lied about it under oath to the Senate (that part’s the felony).
The party he only joined to get ahead. Like he’s a career politician or something and not a benevolent tree wizard.
Cleared up a lot for me, too. Sure, the baby is crying, what parent wouldn’t resort to chloroform and duct tape? Most natural thing in the world.
Voting on a bill without the Budget Office getting to see it sounds like exactly what a party of fiscal responsibility would do.
They do not, at all, disqualify him.
If you ignore all the women in the Arab world that love this kind of shit and/or can actually afford what Vogue’s advertising, then sure.
I’m sorry but clearly the cop had no choice.
“...one of Labrie’s lawyers, Jaye Rancourt, said that Labrie’s out-of-state team mishandled the case.”
He’s so successful that he managed to go bankrupt selling steaks, water, and vodka! In America! Sad.
“People along with their home environment should be fully independently evaluated before allowing anything like this.”
This article debunks a lot of your assumptions, namely that children aren’t sophisticated enough to understand their own gender and that there are “more than enough cases about people regretting messing with their genders.” You haven’t done your homework, and yet you’re ready to enact sweeping policy, which are two…
Yeah, he should be wrestling with the guys. Like he wants to.
Nina Turner, a Sanders surrogate, told the Post’s Dave Weigel that “the future of the Democratic Party will walk away” if Ellison loses.
I literally had to read your comment several times to try to figure out that you WEREN’T just saying “god forbid we respect the DNC chair.” Because I mean...if you’ll literally leave the party because the guy you liked (which, let’s be honest, a lot of people were fired up about Bc a dude who doesn’t even call himself…
Oh, get over yourself. It’s a skillful art form. Just because you don’t appreciate it doesn’t mean they shouldn’t honor those who achieve greatness within their community.
Preach. It isn’t ride-sharing when I’m paying you to take me someplace.
I think we all know these people’s answer: No, trans people shouldn’t use either bathroom. They should stay home and out of public, or preferably disappear altogether. They’re not genuinely worried about trans people molesting little kids*, they’re upset that trans people exist and that society is ready to start…
Is politeness reserved for conservatives now? I’ve had a job since I was 15, I don’t consider that to be purely a “conservative” value. Do democrats not have family values? I’m failing to see where anything you listed is reserved for “conservatives”. I’m more than willing to be corrected if I’m wrong, but I’m…
How are any of these things incompatible with actual feminism? If you think they are, and deserve a special label of “Conservative Feminism” (which doesn’t really exist), then you don’t actually understand what feminism is. For example, we should definitely have home ec classes in schools, but they should be required…