
I kind of lost your thread when you started talking about the “body politic” and started equating this with “pro-lifers”.

The personal is political.

“I guess I’m breaking the law, but I don’t know how to not break it because no one would tell me,” Torres said. 

I’m in a good mood and this interview pissed me off. I got married for things like health insurance and inheritance purposes, should I have forgone health insurance on the matter of principle?

I think I’m just in a really bad mood today but this interview pissed me off. “Oh no, feminism is too mainstream so I need to call myself something else! People who call themselves feminists who don’t work to solve every single problem in the fucking world and also overthrow capitalism every minute of their lives

It’s wonderful but also sad that they probably feel they have to do this in order to break through walls that never should have been there in the first place.

No joke, I am genuinely surprised you went there with your comment. Like... what? Where did I accuse you of anything? The rage I mentioned is at the Trump administration, not you, and I’m having a genuinely hard time trying to find some way of interpreting my mildly sarcastic response to being called a prick that

You’re the one who sounds like a prick here. Fucking asshole.

Yes, let us reject those who only recently decided to agree with us. They are not the true believers of ‘woke’ but blasphemers in sheep’s clothing! I say we ridicule them for now agreeing and therefore discourage them from taking part. How dare they only agree with us now and not before!

It’s dictator chic.

He’s trying to justify what happened to him by pretending that spouting “un-PC” crap means he wasn’t raped as a kid.

Just remember: they felt all the other awful shit he said about racial minorities, Muslims, women, and LGBT people was just a matter of “free speech”. Apparently this is the thing that was too “offensive” for them and where they felt the need to draw the line in the sand, where they felt the need to “infringe upon his

Please don’t do this. The problem is institutionalized coercion, fear, and excessive respect of authority, not the gender or age of the abusers.

I’m a parent too, I know that sometimes you have to endure death stares for your kids’ well-being. This was a 747 flying internationally, it had plenty of bathrooms and one with a changing table, which I made good use of when my kid pooped her diaper.

If only that woman had properly disposed of that dirty diaper, Mykki Blanco would have been sitting next to an empty seat.

I find that argument by the alt right to be weird that those who preach tolerance are required to tolerate the intolerant. It makes no sense. If you believe in tolerance than you should be intolerant to intolerance precisely because it’s intolerant.

The thing about Bill Maher that’s always killed me is how pissy he gets when the audience doesn’t laugh at his jokes. He always lashes out and accuses them of being too PC and liberal, but Louis CK and South Park are proof positive that liberals are more than happy to laugh at an off color joke so long as it’s

The enemy of my enemy is my newspaper.

GUYS - The story isn’t that Pruitt was confirmed. The story is that Pruitt was confirmed days before there’s going to be a 3000 email dump of his departments communications with Big Oil. He was been withholding public requests for documents illegally for years. A judge demanded he release them and the fucking congress