Any person who would rubber stamp putting this malicious individual in charge of children’s welfare should be hanged for treason. I am not being hyperbolic.
The more he complains about the MLK statue report, the more I believe the initial report was accurate and they moved it back as soon as they saw the tweet.
Duh. Of course they do. There’s no way they’d praise a living Black civil rights leader.
And fuck Pat Toomey with a rusty railroad spike.
Yep. So what if the GOP threatens to nuke the fillibuster? You think they won’t do that next time anyway when they *really* have a chance to stack the court?
Duckman, the cartoon that ran on USA in the mid-90s, had an episode with the premise that the cure for cancer had been discovered long ago, but the medical establishment and pharmaceutical companies were suppressing it because cancer makes them so much money.
We can’t judge everyone by their parents, though. If we started judging people based on their moms, I’d still be in the grays....oh...carry on.
Wow, it’s really hard to imagine a time when Republicans would be outraged that a nominee was trying to destroy a department rather than reform it. The GOP has not aged well over the past 30+ years.
I just don’t understand how it’s good for an economy that’s based on consumption to allow its people to get sick from contaminated air and water. They know that health care is incredibly expensive, right? And that people lose their homes when they can’t pay medical bills, which means they can’t buy stuff and keep the…
I don’t care who he nominated. If his name wasn’t “Merrick Garland” then I expect every Democrat to fight and filibuster as long as they can, as long as it takes. This was our nomination and these shitlords stole it. Anyone who isn’t onboard with that should be primaried at the earliest opportunity.
(while I agree with what you are saying) Trump certainly blamed Obama for anything that happened during Obama’s presidency. I don’t see Why we can’t do the same to trump.
Trump is Commander in Chief? Trump approved the raid?
I think all the people saying some variation on “she’s a monster how dare he try to redeem her” are missing the point. Tyson is trying to show you that’s she’s not some extraordinarily evil cartoonish monster; she’s a regular person who turned out to be capable of doing something horrible. The point is the banality of…
I’m a big fan of his description of moving past white guilt. I don’t feel guilty over the slave trade. I didn’t create the world we live in. What I do feel is an intense obligation to make the world better for other people while I have the chance. My whiteness gives me greater power to do so. Great power/great…
Did you actually read what he said? She didn’t get that boy killed, that boy was dead regardless of what she did. She is not responsible for his death. She is responsible for helping the people that were responsible for his death get out of jail.
I’m less mad than I was a few days ago at this woman.
Such a tragedy. This is the kind of senseless violence we are trying to avoid in this country. Who knows what might happen to Muslim refugees in America if Mr. Trump hadn’t generously turned them away?