
Apparently, Trump’s team drafted the executive order without any consultations with the Department of Justice and other federal departments directly effected by it. They don’t even know who wrote it. Everyone from top ranking officials to customs agents at airports were freaking out because they had no notice of this

Gonna be sharing on this thread:

Except you get to keep your all your income, you get to protect the environment like you want, you get to keep as many immigrants as you choose, and you have the 8th largest economy in the world, ample crop space, and ready access to shipping lanes.

Tough shit. I’m tired of being Captain Save-a-Ho to the rest of the knuckle-dragging mouth-breathing country. It’s not MY job to drag you kicking and screaming into the 20th century.

Something that’s been overlooked so far, but has been making the news in Australia, is his plan to suspend the visa waiver program for tourist entry to the US. Meaning that basically everyone planning on holiday travel would need to be interviewed prior to entry. These policies aren’t just a waiting disaster from a

DHS has confirmed greencard holders are also barred from those nations.

Defund Breitbart. Help out Sleeping Giants on Twitter-they try to pressure companies to pull their ads from Breitbart. It’s not going to be immediate but ultimately, taking the money away is the thing that has to happen. For all of this.

There is a claim that green card holders are being cuffed and their social media reviewed. They are being questioned about their attitudes toward Trump.

Man, even people that help the US government, and get green cards for doing so, can’t catch a break solely because they are Muslim? WTF.

I seriously doubt even Trump and his minions could find someone who would be worse for education than Betsy DeVos

Oh, we know what you’re doing. We’re scared of what you’re doing. We’d like you to stop doing that thing you’re doing and bring someone like the nice smart gentleman that left the White House last week instead of this loudmouthed lying would-be-dictator you currently have.

El paso is a border city in Texas, the 20th largest city in the US, composed of mostly immigrants and has been ranked the safest city in the US for 4 years in a row and top 3 since 1997. But yes it’s immigrants who are the source of all crime.

Yes, a fringe element of Bernie supporters were a real problem. They tried to disrupt the DNC convention, including booing Bernie himself and trying to heckle during Hillary’s acceptance speech. They drove Hillary supporters underground, which made it easy for the media to create a narrative of Hillary as dull and

No. Bernie-bros are not the people who simply voted for Bernie, were unhappy when he lost the primary, then got over it and voted for Clinton as she was clearly the responsible choice.

Can we please kill this “Bernie would have won” narrative. There is absolutely no evidence that would happen. We saw how reliable polls were when the election results came in, so all those polls during the summer are meaningless. So the Dem candidate would have a penis instead of a vagina. He would still be a

Oh, look at you, with your fancy East Coast Third Dimension.


Well force them to do us an embarrassing dare like yell they like sex in public and also they owe 12 favors, 1 for each billion; one good use of a favor would be a beer run for the Senate.

He’ll just ban the findings from being published until after his people have reviewed it.