
So proud of D.C. Right now. I’ve seen some pics and there is nooooooobody out. The only people around are bumbfucks with racists t-shirts. (Shocker, I know).

They are Trump supporters, even knowing who he is. Let them go without your worry. They certainly don’t deserve it. No one can never claim to have not know who Trump was. He showed us a million different times in a million different ways. These are not lambs being led to slaughter.

‘Kay, I’m just gonna say it, because this is not the Jezebel of old, and I can accept it if someone is offended by this- that is how my stomach looked what I had an eating disorder.

Maybe she just isn’t gaunt? She could be just experiencing a weight fluctuation?

Or they are doing their jobs speaking for their constituents? 

I don’t pirate, period. I also don’t have cable. I get what content I can with various subscriptions and pay $1-2 per episode for the few shows I want to watch, but can’t get anywhere else.

It’s no more ethical to steal from the rich than it is to steal from the poor. Taking things that don’t belong to you is something children do. If they’re raised properly they stop doing it before they become adults.

Yeah fuck all those people whose livelihoods depend on the studios putting out movies on a regular basis. What a bunch of assholes, wanting to have food for their kids and maybe go on a nice trip someday.

As a public school teacher, I love this. We are unable to be trusted to do our job and should probably be fired, but it’s a-ok for us to have guns with us all the time at work.

Nope, zero is the number of attributable known deaths. Dozens of Afghans who provided support and information to the US were outed you dolt. Being an informant whose name was released means they and their families are still in Jeopardy.

No she got the punishment she deserved in accordance of the UCMJ. Now I agree that her sentence was IMO unfairly long and most likely motivated by Snowden backlash. But to say she should have never been been subjected to punishment is absurd.

That’s the joke.

“Attempt at accuracy” my ass. Your original reply to the poster - who you know fuck-all about - was a what you thought would be a subtle way of basically calling him a Holocaust denier.

But, that’s exactly what Donna is doing. Whatever the exact number, her attempt is to dismiss the many, many others who suffered the same fate. Her response was completely disproportionate to the original “offense” which I guess was the 11 million figure number - which I’m guessing if she thinks is wrong she could

This is so gross that you’d choose to do this.

Are these first few comments for real? In a story about a woman who was robbed and bound, wearing nothing but her robe, the comments focus on her looks, makeup and face? Huh? Did we all read the same article or did yall just skip it and share your thoughts on her face?

They must be having such a complicated mix of emotions - joy that she was found, relief that she was taken care of, and unbearable grief that she loves the kidnapper as a mother. A hundred or so others mixed in as well.

Congressman John Lewis should spend more time on fixing and helping his district, which is in horrible shape and falling apart

The difference is that Trump didn’t have proof.