
Perhaps it is important not to sanitize the struggle? It may also give us notice that we may have to endure our own dark times in protecting democracy.

She got tied up and held hostage at gunpoint in a place she felt safe. I’m not going to sit here and say that ain’t traumatic and a huge violation. And if you don’t want people to “make the comparison,” maybe don’t say victims of violent crimes are “asking for it” by “flaunt[ing their] things.”

The other day someone asked why the Dems are grilling candidates that are almost certain to be confirmed. What purpose does it ultimately serve? Quotes like this are why the Dems are hammering them. This quote is almost sure to make it’s way into a fundraising letter or a commercial against the administration.

Ben Carson is a yawn made sentient.

“I promise I will do nothing that will benefit ANY American...” ~Ben Carson

I’d argue that the problem is actually the people who would pidgeonhole and marginalize instead of recognizing that things are more complex than you want them to be. Part of the “fascination” human beings have with shit that goes horribly wrong can (and does for those willing to let it) serve to help people learn,

So the timeline didn’t make sense. If she was a guest of Hitler to the Olympics in 1936, she was a full blown NAZI well before France was occupied. It says that her treatment by France is why she may have joined the Gestapo, but it sounds like she was pretty horrible person before the French Gestapo existed.

Oooh, no. I think she upgraded. Landry is a better actor and seems to be able to carry intelligent conversations.


I don’t find the Clinton example ironic. I think it is correct. And, if Kushner had any relevant experience or expertise, I would not have a problem with this. The issue is not nepotism so much as lack of qualifications. He is as unqualified as a number of Trump appointees- is Bannon more acceptable because he is a

Yeah, I totally don’t get the hate for people who are doubting the trauma of a woman, at the hands of men committing a violent crime against her, because she’s not an ideal victim. That’s definitely not a problematic or fucked up view that permeates women’s lives in general. Oh wait...

I don’t get the hate for people who were skeptical of Kim’s story in the first place

Why can’t she milk it if she wants to? It’s her traumatic event and she can process it however the fuck she wants. And honestly, she really hasn’t talked much about it publically, most of the “milking” comes from our assumption that it’s going to be covered on her reality show. Literally no other person would we

It sounds though that the Brits, not just people “in the know,” call it MSF too. I think we just have to chalk this one up as something that sounds weird to American ears, but is normal to the rest of the world. 

She IS a criminal. She’s a convicted murderer.

The picture at the top only serves to reinforce the idea she’s a criminal

I mean... her being a criminal is a crucial point to this story, no?

It’s not about how it was advertised, it’s about what any story needs to be interesting. Stories are more interesting when you care about who is in them, whether or not they die at the end or live on in further installments. All I meant by other stories is other, smaller arcs to break up the overall narrative. Even

SAME HERE. Loved FA. Rogue One was a charmless, tedious slog of a movie.