In 2011, Kristin Davis adopted Gemma Rose Davis. In 2016, Davis realized that her whiteness only protects her and not her daughter. Great.
In 2011, Kristin Davis adopted Gemma Rose Davis. In 2016, Davis realized that her whiteness only protects her and not her daughter. Great.
Whew. Going through the World Service Authority’s website is a trip. It’s a time capsule to early 2000s web design, for one. The site is filled with paeans to making a better world but when you really get down to it? They’re lefty Sovereign Citizens, except they’ve come up with the “brilliant” idea of charging people…
Oh fucking stop she was 19 not 13.
I honestly don’t like comparing internment and concentration camps. Obviously a death camp is far worse. Saying the American/Canadian camps weren’t designed to kill anyone is dismissive. You’re basically saying they were okay because they didn’t go out of their way to kill people. The camps made people live in squalor…
Not exploiting someone’s privacy for profit is “protecting?”
well at the very least, he didn’t use the wrong email instead of the right email, so.
Who started calling them the “greatest generation” anyway?
What was so great about state sanctioned discrimination, internment camps, and lynchings?
George Takei recently shared a spin on “They came first for the Communists” that I find fitting. It went something like:
Let’s take a moment to think of all of the actual harassment Obama endured throughout his presidency without ever demanding an apology.
Like, do you think they realize the irony of lecturing America about respecting Vice Presidents at a musical about a VP MURDERING SOMEONE?
There is literally no moral or intellectual reason to report on the ugliness of a single person’s mental illness.
Yeah now she is talking about listening to him and giving him a chance. The orange ball of hate deserves a chance but Hillary, who has spent her life working for kids, went undercover to expose segregation in schools and listened to progressives, doesn’t. I blocked her on twitter because I can’t stand anything she…
Thatz not okay. It’s your wedding. Your event. This is a really selfish request.
Call your senators and reps in the house. Complain to as many elected officials as you can. And get your friends and family to do so too. Keep the pressure on them.
Well God bless Wikileaks and the Russians. We got rid of that pant suit wearing devil Killary Clinton. She had an email server and she didn’t use her psychic abilities to stop the Benghazi attacks. The Lord works in mysterious ways. May the the good Lord’s favor shine on our saint of the common man Donald J. Trump.
There is absolutely no mention of how/why anything of her not receiving an abortion earlier so let’s not saint her for this.
Oh ya. It’s us coastal elites who need to watch our language and tone. BE NICER GUYS 🙄
Someone who also told me that “as long as you’re here legally you have nothing to worry about,” and that he “knows Muslims who voted for Trump so obviously Trump can’t be racist.”
Thank you. I don’t want to be judged for giving $10. Or $20. Or $40. Or whatever. I can probably afford to give more. So the fuck what? 10k is nothing to sneeze at. I wish I could afford to give them that much.