
Thatz not okay. It’s your wedding. Your event. This is a really selfish request.

Call your senators and reps in the house. Complain to as many elected officials as you can. And get your friends and family to do so too. Keep the pressure on them.

Well God bless Wikileaks and the Russians. We got rid of that pant suit wearing devil Killary Clinton. She had an email server and she didn’t use her psychic abilities to stop the Benghazi attacks. The Lord works in mysterious ways. May the the good Lord’s favor shine on our saint of the common man Donald J. Trump.

There is absolutely no mention of how/why anything of her not receiving an abortion earlier so let’s not saint her for this.

Oh ya. It’s us coastal elites who need to watch our language and tone. BE NICER GUYS 🙄

Someone who also told me that “as long as you’re here legally you have nothing to worry about,” and that he “knows Muslims who voted for Trump so obviously Trump can’t be racist.”

But she didn’t lay all the blame on him. It was 30 minute phone call that got into ALL the reasons she lost. In fact, that is exactly what the lifted quote says.

Thank you. I don’t want to be judged for giving $10. Or $20. Or $40. Or whatever. I can probably afford to give more. So the fuck what? 10k is nothing to sneeze at. I wish I could afford to give them that much.

I also point out to people that, no, you didn’t feel this way when Obama won.

I’m guessing this wasn’t the only donation Katy has made all year. Maybe she supports many causes in $10k chunks. Maybe she has already privately donated $1MM to PP this year, as she pointed out this is a *public* donation. I have never really cared about Katy Perry one way or the other, but she did a great thing by

Oh god! Sanctimonious Christians are the worst. What the hell is wrong with just inhabiting a space to mom reading to her kids? What kind of monster are you?

I went to bat for me niece today because she posted a very heartfelt message regarding the election. So naturally some dipshit friend just had to do a whole dog and pony show, the upshot being that she’s the real victim here because everybody’s calling her names because she voted for Trump. My poor niece is trying

I’ve got family who voted for Trump now reposting “politicians don’t fix things, artists and writers and hurk durk, etc. etc., love trumps hate” shit on Facebook and will someone please hold me because I am about to spit pure fire and just burn it all down.

Update: “Police arrested Melody Turner, 30, after she shoved the victim in front of a southbound 1 train at 42nd Street and Seventh Avenue around 1:20 p.m. when horrified passersby alerted police that she was calmly trying to walk out of the station, officials and sources said....Sources said Turner, who has a history

The truly amazing thing about this whole campaign (and the 30 years that preceeded it) is how a woman who independent and impartial analysis rates as “somewhat better than the rest of ‘em”, with a 30 year record of public service in which her worst verifiable transgressions are “changed position on various social

Stop it. SEX while intoxicated is not a crime, but RAPE is a crime whether the victim or the perpetrator were drunk. Women who are intoxicated while having sex are not “designated victims.” Lots of women have sex while intoxicated. I have had quite a bit of intoxicated sex in my life -with one-night stands, with

This is why I think it’s distasteful for her to make a grab for millions in this case. Other victims on campus said that she was doing her job poorly before the story broke. Yet she didn’t lose a job or salary, her claim is entirely based on emotional and “reputational” claims.

That’s certainly part of it, but back-assward government policy is making the problem an order of magnitude worse. Here’s a great article I read about it recently.

I saw Derren Brown live and he does the *most* amazing cold reads. He’ll know about people’s childhood dogs were called (and what breed they were), what someone’s grandmother left to them in her will, a funny story about someone’s late uncle’s beloved canary yellow Ford Capri...

The only thing Wenner’s statement means is that they’re going to appeal so admitting to any wrong doing would be insane.