I’m pretty sure we’re all agreed that none should be private. If only some are, stopping the whole thing is a bit easier.
I’m pretty sure we’re all agreed that none should be private. If only some are, stopping the whole thing is a bit easier.
When I was in the second grade, I got in trouble for some thing or another. I don’t remember what. But I had to bring a note home and get it signed by my mom, then bring it back the next day. Not wanting to get in more trouble, I decided to cunningly forge my mom’s signature. I spent entire minutes practicing to…
Well, that’s some serious trolling, Sarah. You do know that Malik Obama is not American, don’t you (unlike his half-brother, the president, who most certainly is American)? And are you aware that one reason Malik Obama is estranged from his half-brother, the president, is that Malik is pro-Hamas. I’m pretty sure he’s…
Show me an apartment with a balcony that doesn’t include the balcony as part of the apartment blueprint and I will eat a shoe. That’s some fucking bullshit calling the balcony “outside the property” and I am genuinely disgusted by this.
The jury asked a lot of questions while considering their verdict.
Yeah, it’s actually pretty sympathetically written given that he’s ultimately calling her a liar. It sounds like he’s genuinely disappointed that she ended up proving the negative rumors about her true.
I shouldnt have to do mental gymnastics to make the headline accurate.
Spitting on someone is rude as hell, but it’s not quite as rude as threatening to cut someone’s throat with a broken champagne glass and then grabbing a champagne glass.
How is this patronizing?
Screwing up is thinking I have the bone structure to pull off a blunt bang and then committing to that haircut for too many years. Screwing up is my husband trying Bulletproof coffee on vacation when he was away from a reliable toilet.
Hopefully DCFS will remove her and place her with a well-vetted, loving foster/adopt family.
Don Draper: The Early Years shit.
Sounds like all of his children should be immediately removed from that family’s sphere of influence. And potentially out of the community that apparently wants a rapist father back.
Much better that a girl should be forced to live a man who raped her repeatedly than that boys should have to be sad because their father wasn’t allowed to repeatedly rape their sister with no consequences.
Who would have thought that People would not only be a source of legitimate journalism but would have an actual effect in this year’s election? 2016 is full of surprises.
It’s not though. This is pretty standard for conservation projects. It’s not simply a matter of hot gluing sequins on and calling it a day. It will require a lot of research and analysis. Finding the appropriate materials, ensuring that the shoes are not further damaged, ensuring that whatever restoration technique is…
People have empathy for Lindsay Lohan? What planet do you live on? She’s a train wreck.
Nonsense. She is mean spirited first and foremost. Chalking up every form of assholery to “mental illness” is both hugely insulting to people who are mentally ill and a weak justification for the bad behavior of a nasty, homophobic bigot. Ms. Banks needs to slither back under her rock.
Being a female POC isn’t a “get…
Let’s split the difference and agree that the flight attendant is an idiot without insulting people based on their professions.