
I’ll be honest, I struggle to feel compassion for Christine Chubbuck and other people who commit suicide in public. I can’t imagine what it must have been like for her co-workers to be in the studio that day and watch her shoot herself right before their eyes. It is the same when people throw themselves in front of a

I saw that elsewhere and was hoping it would be here. Apparently the bloated bloviator thinks that consent is somehow a liberal plot to undermine....well, I am not sure what it undermines except for rapey conservative men.

Yeah, but there’s a reason they don’t reveal the suicide until the 2nd paragraph and that the headline suggests the possibility of foul play. I’m not saying that reason is racism, but it’s definitely click-bait material.

Right! Those extra-special snowflakes who visited a Victorian garden in BC, ignored the part of the website advising that costumes are not permitted, refused the staff’s attempts to arrive at a compromise, then moaned piteously on their blog. I remember them.

Then you will be relinquished of your duties to comment about them! I can see your discussion history - for someone who is so sick of the Kardashians you sure do talk about them a lot.

Maybe you’re an asshole?

The most expensive item is the engagement ring that she wears every. single. day.

The jewelry actually have serial numbers inside of the gems which allow you to trace where they came from. This was originally started so people can make sure they weren’t buying blood diamonds but it’s great to catch thieves.


Eh. I think at first listen yeah, it’s about being mad about him cheating then them making up. But I think there’s a LOT on there about finding power in the black community and in herself. After watching the accompanying film, the imagery is impossible to deny. She’s addressing racism, sexism, slavery, being a black

Can someone please explain to me why many states are totally cool with Stand Your Ground laws/using deadly force to “prevent death or great bodily harm” but this little girl faces life in prison for shooting someone who repeatedly threatened to kill his entire family with that very gun?

emily and richard did not learn to respect her decisions until like, s7e18,

Dean was emotionally abusive to Rory. He has the same markers of my college ex, though mine eventually became physical too. I get the we’re playing like he was just immature, but it’s hard to watch.

No, those people are being giant douches. I told my own father off about it the other day, and he backed down and admitted he was being shitty. Almost all of these people are accusing of her making it up, which is criminal btw, simply because they don’t like her. They think that just because she made a sex tape with a

Can you imagine if someone posted an article entitled “Could X’s Sexual Assault Accusation Have Been Staged?”

This! Thank you. Married to the King of France at age 15, but she’s the one to blame for everything.

I don’t see it that way. Even if you hide your assets, if you’re a celebrity ,or even just well known within your circle, most people still have a rough idea of how much you earn.If it’s a lot, anyone of hundreds of people know that unless you’re some sort of spartan freak, you have a houseful of precious stuff.

Well apathy in the face of this kind of traumatic event is pretty horrifying, so I don’t get how that’s much better than calling it victim blaming.

I saw commenters who I think are smart and reasonable participate in the Kim K victim-blaming. No fucking thanks.

It’s interesting to me how so many posters rightly get upset at assault victims not being believed with their allegations in a majority of pieces here.

She’s attending Paris Fashion Week, where she knows she will be filmed, photographed, and written about. Part of her brand is being fashionable and she can’t repeat outfits. She wasn’t carrying it all around; she was robbed in her hotel room. It makes sense to me that she would travel with a lot of expensive jewelry

No. That’s a reductive and shameful straw man fallacy.