I think the implication is thatSwift is still exploring options, and Kidman was well committed in an incompatible relationship at a similar age.
I think the implication is thatSwift is still exploring options, and Kidman was well committed in an incompatible relationship at a similar age.
What are you talking about ? He’s been nominated for an Oscar 6 times, has directed and written some incredibly well-regarded films and given amazing performances. He’s been around Hollywood for 60 years and has always had a rep for being a hard working perfectionist.
Viola Davis is one of the most naturally gifted actors I’ve ever seen. She’s the only reason HTGAWM worked even when it went off the rails.
Sorry to burst your condescension and faux indignation bubble but the only thing it says about them is that they probably don’t pre-screen tweets from established politicians. I doubt it was put on the air intentionally, which is why it’s so amusing.
Who’s more sensitive, someone who experiences emotional distress at discussions of sexual assault, or someone who experiences emotional distress over a sign warning people who might feel emotional distress at discussions of sexual assault?
YOUR CHILDREN ARE BLACK, YOU BEAUTIFUL MORON! How are you going to vote for someone endorsed by the literal KKK?
If you have your gun aimed at a person, who’s slowly walking away from you with his hands raised and are still the most scared you’ve ever been in your life, perhaps YOU SHOULDN’T BE A FUCKING COP, ASSHOLE.
It made Trayvon Martin a thug, shouldn’t she be considered a thug too by the same metric?
Oh wow look another stoner who doesn’t know what OP’s point was.
If anyone has ever needed a restraining/protective order against you you should be ineligible for being a cop. For fucks sake do they not draw any lines?
I feel like if you stare at that post for a while you’ll begin to see the very, very, very subtle message conveyed in that phrasing.
YUP. I have pointed that out to every asshole crying “but...PCP!”. PCP makes people eat other people’s faces off. It is a crazy drug that makes people insane. That man was calm. PCP my ass.
There is probably truth to this. However, it doesn’t change the fact that she murdered an unarmed man and needs to be held accountable for it. This is good news.
Betty Shelby is nothing but a low-life thug. Look at her record! She smokes marijuana and has been cited for domestic violence. Was only a matter of time when something like this would happen. Get her off the streets!
Shelby’s attorney revealed that she thought it was “strange” that Crutcher put his hands in the air without being instructed to do so.
Yes. How “strange” that a black man, when confronted by a cop, would put his hands in the air. It couldn’t possibly be that he wanted to preemptively signal that he was unarmed, given that so many other black person-cop interactions turn deadly without provocation.
I don’t think that’s what he said, though, is it? If you’re going to be up there, you need to have the chops for it. Seems fair, no?
Man, maybe we should declare a day of mourning for Texas men who will never get to kiss on her :(
“Skittles are candy. Refugees are people. We don’t feel it’s an appropriate analogy. We will respectfully refrain from further commentary as anything we say could be misinterpreted as marketing.”