
Who would have thought that People would not only be a source of legitimate journalism but would have an actual effect in this year’s election? 2016 is full of surprises.

It’s not though. This is pretty standard for conservation projects. It’s not simply a matter of hot gluing sequins on and calling it a day. It will require a lot of research and analysis. Finding the appropriate materials, ensuring that the shoes are not further damaged, ensuring that whatever restoration technique is

People have empathy for Lindsay Lohan? What planet do you live on? She’s a train wreck.

Nonsense. She is mean spirited first and foremost. Chalking up every form of assholery to “mental illness” is both hugely insulting to people who are mentally ill and a weak justification for the bad behavior of a nasty, homophobic bigot. Ms. Banks needs to slither back under her rock.

Being a female POC isn’t a “get

Let’s split the difference and agree that the flight attendant is an idiot without insulting people based on their professions.

I’ll be honest, I struggle to feel compassion for Christine Chubbuck and other people who commit suicide in public. I can’t imagine what it must have been like for her co-workers to be in the studio that day and watch her shoot herself right before their eyes. It is the same when people throw themselves in front of a

I saw that elsewhere and was hoping it would be here. Apparently the bloated bloviator thinks that consent is somehow a liberal plot to undermine....well, I am not sure what it undermines except for rapey conservative men.

“been in the news for 6 months”, jesus christ

Yeah, but there’s a reason they don’t reveal the suicide until the 2nd paragraph and that the headline suggests the possibility of foul play. I’m not saying that reason is racism, but it’s definitely click-bait material.

This. I too had a quick “hm?” cause of ingrained norms, saw the second female pronoun, and the mystery was solved! I didn’t even have to go to her twitter to confirm it. She! Noted! Now to the buffoonery at hand: RACIST AIRLINE PILOTS AND FLIGHT ATTENDANTS!!!

It causes confusion by people who want to judge her by the way she looks? And we’re supposed to care about those people...why?

The pronoun is used several fucking times in the article. There’s no confusion...people are just being assholes, and artiofab ain’t one of them.

Stevens was en route to cover the League of Legends quarterfinals but was told by flight staff that her shirt

Right! Those extra-special snowflakes who visited a Victorian garden in BC, ignored the part of the website advising that costumes are not permitted, refused the staff’s attempts to arrive at a compromise, then moaned piteously on their blog. I remember them.

Then you will be relinquished of your duties to comment about them! I can see your discussion history - for someone who is so sick of the Kardashians you sure do talk about them a lot.

Maybe you’re an asshole?

The most expensive item is the engagement ring that she wears every. single. day.

The jewelry actually have serial numbers inside of the gems which allow you to trace where they came from. This was originally started so people can make sure they weren’t buying blood diamonds but it’s great to catch thieves.


Eh. I think at first listen yeah, it’s about being mad about him cheating then them making up. But I think there’s a LOT on there about finding power in the black community and in herself. After watching the accompanying film, the imagery is impossible to deny. She’s addressing racism, sexism, slavery, being a black