
Can someone please explain to me why many states are totally cool with Stand Your Ground laws/using deadly force to “prevent death or great bodily harm” but this little girl faces life in prison for shooting someone who repeatedly threatened to kill his entire family with that very gun?

emily and richard did not learn to respect her decisions until like, s7e18,

Dean was emotionally abusive to Rory. He has the same markers of my college ex, though mine eventually became physical too. I get the we’re playing like he was just immature, but it’s hard to watch.

No, those people are being giant douches. I told my own father off about it the other day, and he backed down and admitted he was being shitty. Almost all of these people are accusing of her making it up, which is criminal btw, simply because they don’t like her. They think that just because she made a sex tape with a

Can you imagine if someone posted an article entitled “Could X’s Sexual Assault Accusation Have Been Staged?”

This! Thank you. Married to the King of France at age 15, but she’s the one to blame for everything.

I don’t see it that way. Even if you hide your assets, if you’re a celebrity ,or even just well known within your circle, most people still have a rough idea of how much you earn.If it’s a lot, anyone of hundreds of people know that unless you’re some sort of spartan freak, you have a houseful of precious stuff.

Well apathy in the face of this kind of traumatic event is pretty horrifying, so I don’t get how that’s much better than calling it victim blaming.

I saw commenters who I think are smart and reasonable participate in the Kim K victim-blaming. No fucking thanks.

It’s interesting to me how so many posters rightly get upset at assault victims not being believed with their allegations in a majority of pieces here.

She’s attending Paris Fashion Week, where she knows she will be filmed, photographed, and written about. Part of her brand is being fashionable and she can’t repeat outfits. She wasn’t carrying it all around; she was robbed in her hotel room. It makes sense to me that she would travel with a lot of expensive jewelry

No. That’s a reductive and shameful straw man fallacy.

I think the implication is thatSwift is still exploring options, and Kidman was well committed in an incompatible relationship at a similar age.

What are you talking about ? He’s been nominated for an Oscar 6 times, has directed and written some incredibly well-regarded films and given amazing performances. He’s been around Hollywood for 60 years and has always had a rep for being a hard working perfectionist.

Viola Davis is one of the most naturally gifted actors I’ve ever seen. She’s the only reason HTGAWM worked even when it went off the rails.

Sorry to burst your condescension and faux indignation bubble but the only thing it says about them is that they probably don’t pre-screen tweets from established politicians. I doubt it was put on the air intentionally, which is why it’s so amusing.

Who’s more sensitive, someone who experiences emotional distress at discussions of sexual assault, or someone who experiences emotional distress over a sign warning people who might feel emotional distress at discussions of sexual assault?

YOUR CHILDREN ARE BLACK, YOU BEAUTIFUL MORON! How are you going to vote for someone endorsed by the literal KKK?

If you have your gun aimed at a person, who’s slowly walking away from you with his hands raised and are still the most scared you’ve ever been in your life, perhaps YOU SHOULDN’T BE A FUCKING COP, ASSHOLE.

Man, maybe we should declare a day of mourning for Texas men who will never get to kiss on her :(