
I remember when Joe Biden said that Giuliani needed three parts to a sentence - a noun, a verb, and 9/11.

Maybe the dying person doesn’t want to have to spend the very end of their life, in a situation that is definitely all about them, spending their energy caring for others.

But, you don’t actually know that is what happened.

Yes, the most important thing is whether she leaked the video, not the pattern of behavior the video displays. I wish I was a famous, rich, and attractive (to many) man, imagine what I could get away with!!

Vin Diesel is a charming nerdy guy who plays D&D, champions sci-fi projects, and whose first real project was a short film he wrote, directed and starred in about the challenges of being a multi-racial actor.

This misses the point. Nico Hines’ staggering ignorance is the least shocking part of this article. The original piece included identifying information about these athletes—some of whom are from repressive countries where violence against LGBTQ individuals is common and sanctioned. With one incredibly crappy

US is better for some. UK is actually higher up in the equality adjusted Human Development Index. A country aught to be judged on how it looks after its most vulnerable citizens. For many, a country with universal healthcare and no trump looks good.

None of which would be legal, so I don’t know what point you’re trying to make.

It might be a bit disrespectful to call her a stuntwoman for what she is doing. Calling her a stuntwoman, is a stretch. Especially when stuntwomen all over struggle to gain recognition for their work for so long and struggle to be taken seriously when they decide to go into a stunt career. There are hours and hours of

You were a teenager when it happened, and now you’re a smug, arrogant piece of shit who thinks he owns the right to call himself a progressive and tell others they aren’t. Really, you’re what’s worst about the Left. You’re the cartoon the Right holds up to show their folks how stupid we all are, because you don’t see

Facts too uncomfortable for you? Sorry about that. Good luck with Jill Stein. Your protest vote will really show us!

Yes, I do know that. I’m not trying to be mean or start an argument because I usually like your comments, but are you misunderstanding me on purpose?

Starred because I want everybody to see how you’re so desperate to spew ignorance that you took a tongue-first flying leap down here to the comments and didn’t notice that the article is about a male transgender student.

Do you transphobics ever even bother to read the article?

You can remember him any way you choose. Most of us will try to forget him. Future generations will learn about a sad, bitter hustler-turned shitty C list actor who beat his wives, talked to a chair in front of millions, ranted about how appalling it was that society betrayed his ignorant racism, then died alone,

You triggered Locomotive Jones, lol.

White men getting offended over other people getting offended is the most pussy shit of all. Just fucking get over it.

I’m with you. Deadpool was like Entourage with a sweaty rubber leotard.

Not only are they not wrong, I hope they succeed in outlawing the death penalty because it’ll wring some amount of good out of this white supremacist shithead’s existence.