
LOL, yes, having a drink at a college party is absolutely “binge drinking”. Also, “every time”? She was seen drinking on one occasion, and that was not at Lollapalooza. She was just dancing, get over yourself grandma.

Reeeeaaaallllllyyyy????? She’s CLEARLY drunk? As someone who goes to Lolla every year, I have any number of photos where I look totally wasted but haven’t had a drop of anything alcoholic. You’re having fun, you’re hot as hell, and if you are drunk you are probably not dancing and goofing because you’re trying not to

What’s awesome is how the Secret Service went casual with matching khakis and plaid shirts:

Yea but also fuck everyone who gives a shit and live your life. I’m sure she will not hurt for opportunity because she is a human being enjoying things.

“And no support Stein is anti-vax, just that she doesn’t trust corporations having a hand in the process.”

It’s pretty gross to accuse a black man of trying to “socially bleach” himself, but it’s particularly gross to minimize a black man like Kanye with that attack. Kanye’s last two albums (Yeezus in particular) directly and critically discussed the state of black men in America— he talked about the evils of private

I think you’re missing the important part of her statement.

And most importantly, you get to be self righteous in comment threads about engagement rings. And who can put a price on that?

Pro-Tip: cut out all the drama, and have her pick it out. Mrs. Daisuke picked out hers at a vintage jewelry store, and couldn't be more happier with it.

This is a dumb idea. Children-specific things/events exist to protect immature children, not cater to immature adults.

I’m not saying I can understand that, but...

You’re kidding, right? There was not a single original thing in that REM video. Heavy HEAVY lifting of all the Caravaggistis for a start. Are you saying that because that stuff was hundreds of years old and you didn’t realize it, that makes Tarsem’s video for REM “original”?

I’m bored with this whole thing.

The game doesn’t tell you what direction to go. It tells you how close a pokemon is, but you have to wander a bit in one direction first, and if it gets further away then turn around, and if it gets further away turn around again... there’s some legwork required. Also you can get a few pokemon by staying put, but

So what's your point? Even if we are all capable of smothering and then stabbing the shit out of another human being, we don't do those things. This woman did. Not in the heat of the moment or in self defense, but in fact begged Manson to let her participate in these murders. She absolutely deserves to be in prison

So because all of us are capable of evil, does that mean that people who actually act on it shouldn’t have to face the consequences? Maybe we’re all capable of cold blooded murder, but most of us never actually carry it out. Which is why we’re not in prison.

He is *not* an anti-abortion candidate. He may be personally pro-life but he stands for choice in office. 100% rating from Planned Parenthood, 100% from NARAL.

If I went to your house and told you—at length—how you and your family are subhuman because of the colour of your skin, would you think, “Ashinae has the right to say these awful things so I’m not going to kick her out?” I mean, I wouldn’t be dangerous, just hateful.

No private entity has to “protect” hate speech on their platform or in their company. The first amendment concerns government censorship, as in your example of a governmental entity attempting to limit the speech of panhandlers.

You’re completely right about that. But it’s very telling about the agenda of the people who only discuss it within that context. Too many of these people would never use it to defend talking about evolution or safe sex in schools, having an open dialogue about racism without being called a race-baiter or about sexism