
That would probably work better on an artist that didn’t have as much of a pull as Bassen at this point, who does seem to sell enough of her work to make an impact. I don’t follower her so much, but I follow companies similar to her that don’t seem to have as many fans and customers but are constantly putting out new

Writing essays really helps you to think a problem/proposal through from beginning to end. Rather than seeing a medical case as a series of discrete, unconnected problems and treatments, the doctor/nurse must see it as an interconnected whole, where each bit affects how all the other bits react. Writing an essay is

For God’s sake there is no direct translation. Can you understand how people who do not speak English as a first language adopt English phrases and words and then use them in an incorrect way, when speaking English? Because here’s another one: In South Asia, a lot of little kids pose for pictures with their parents

No, that’s not my point at all. Live in Pakistan for several months, interact with different levels of society, and have a conversation with Chaudry in Urdu about what he meant, and you will probably understand what my point is.

I think she was more addressing American privileges, and that the BLM movement forget the American foreign policy and foreign influences of which she is critical ? I like her music, so I might be biased.

At the risk of being slapped down I’ll share the sentiment that Arab/Muslim-American Twitter has expressed*, which I think ties in to what MIA maybe tried to say, and that is hundreds of thousands of Arabs and Muslims have been and currently are being murdered in the M.E. and it doesn’t get even a fraction of coverage

Yo, if he goes to Paideia, he ain’t never gonna be on welfare.

Did you just call a 14 year old a serial groper? Only one person has a problem here and I don’t think it’s the little boy.

I think he’s like anyone person who just discovered these social movements. I’m sure many of us were pretty insufferable when we discovered certain causes. Besides, we should always try to embrace men, even young ones..heck, specifically young ones... to have a knee jerk reaction that a teenager is a future groper as

Or he’s a CHILD who is LEARNING about the world.

He’s 14 years old.....

This woman just kept A LOT of women who were insecure about their bodies from setting foot in a gym. She has been valued for her looks for so long, she probably has no idea that she made real someone’s worst nightmare. Exercising in public when you have body image issues is hard enough. Thanks for making it so much

What a horrible person. I hope that the woman whose picture was taken is doing okay. :( Such a foul fucking human, man.

“Frank’s posted a plot-thickening, grammatically unfortunate statement.”

Oh c’mon. Tintin in the Congo was written in 1930, with a specific aim to make colonisation seem all fine and dandy. Enjoying Tintin media made now is hardly supporting a comic that is eighty six years old (it’s not like they’re using the funds to make new versions), and was made for a specific time with a specific

I find it pretty cringeworthy in its execution, but it’s also entirely self-aware that it’s ridiculous—the fact that men are so basic that such a stupid move could attract them is the joke here.

This is the most baffling thing about NRA members. Their membership is nothing more than a donation to for-profit companies to help make it easier for those companies rip them off.

If he goes on to kill another woman, the only person responsible for that action is him. She is not responsible for another human being’s actions.

And of course her mental health is completely irrelevant! Take one for the team, right? Oh, you’re homeless, have extreme anxiety, are being multiply re-traumatised and have no money? Well I guess you should just suck it up. Which is a thing you can definitely do when you have an anxiety condition. Not like those

This unhinged, deparaved, misogynist, racist was a former Congressman. Think about what that says about the stupidity and insanity of tens of millions of Americans, who elect people like Walsh all the time. Reminds me of George Carlin, I’ll do my best to get the words right. “Everyone says politicians suck, right?