
“During her testimony, she became very emotional and cried. You could just see something different in her when she started talking about the rape and when it happened,” said Speaks.

What do you make of Spike Lee’s claim that black British actors, whether of West African or Afro-Caribbean origin, come better prepared and are more professional than African-American ones? Perhaps this is just a function of the same phenomenon that makes directors prefer white British actors over white American ones,

I don’t think folks will care much about that. She resembles the real life Loving and it’s not as if Hollywood cast Claire Danes in blackface for the role. I, at least, don’t think many folks will care about that.

I agree to a point, but I think there are probably just as many not-tortured geniuses as there are tortured geniuses. For every Robin Williams, there’s a Steve Martin; for every Amy Winehouse, there’s an Adele. It’s not that Steve and Adele live flawless lives, or that they aren’t surrounded by opportunists, but their

Shut up, Elementary is amazing and so much better than Sherlock.

I’m pretty sure Jen Kirkman explicitly denied that it was about CK, which seems like a big omission considering how pissed she was at you all for tying her to CK in the first place.

Is anyone else slightly disturbed that we all just decided to accept Louis CK is a sex offender based on random, unrelated stories about random, unrelated comics acting creepy?

People are having them below, don’t fret. Any time a nice wedding is covered, there is a face-off beginning with someone who had their wedding at the greyhound bus vending machine with a dress they found while foraging for melted down candle sticks.

There’s always someone on posts like this talking about thrifty (i.e. superior) they were at their wedding but I’ve got you all beat: not getting married saves SO much money!

Yes. Mainly because that’s completely and obviously different.

Because your money can be used to support things you might be avidly against. Like if you didn’t have a will and your crazy conservative relative yours assets and started funneling money into anti-gay propoganda or something. We can influence and have an effect on things long after we die, and yeah, you may not be

I always thought that “country” music was an umbrella term, sort of like “hip hop”, that just described music with rural roots? So for example blue grass, zydeco, and rockabilly music are all country even though they are different genres. I could be wrong though.

I think this is a pretty classy move that doesn’t deserve snark.

For ten long years he drifted

Not as mean spirited as allowing Reagan to continue as president while suffering from dementia.

“I watched as fear invaded my father’s eyes—this man who was never afraid of anything. I heard his voice tremble as he stood in the living room and said, ‘I don’t know where I am,”

No-one deserves to go out like that and all this will do is fuel the bigots' argument that Muslim parents are tyrants (when most Muslim parents I've known have been splendid souls). My own mother often used Islam as an excuse to deny us fun. You can imagine how I felt when I came across her photo in a book about

Actually August is named after Augustus, and July is named after Caesar.

I mean you can. But I think it wouldn’t really be fair.