
There are a lot of people I will give my empathy and understanding for. Repeat drunk drivers, people who choose to get inebriated and get behind the wheel of a vehicle of their own volition multiple times are not one of them.

Just Jerry is fine.

I feel awful for the families of his victims. They finally think the judge is going to put him away and they can get some level of peace.....NOPE just another middle finger from the justice system

That’s what I was thinking. Like, really, I could care less if he was dealing. I think it should be legal and taxed and maybe this guy could have made a better life for himself and his son if that were the case, BUT that was not for personal use. Not even for two people.

I think I love you. I was one of the last of my friends to get married and I remember my Matron of Honor being kind of annoyed with me for, like, even HAVING a wedding because once hers was over she decided they’re all overrated. Uh, thanks? It was kind of hurtful at the time; I felt like she was saying I didn’t

Getting to payback from their comment is a huge stretch.

Ladies and gents: I’ve been here at Jezebel for a loooooooong time now and I would like to welcome you all to Jezebel Wedding Bingo. Here are some of your squares

-City hall
-Simple dinner with friends
-Marriage is pointless and sexist
-Engagement rings are sexist
-Wedding dresses are sexist
-Choosing to take your husband’s

she was intellectually pretty much my equal.

Fine. They’re excellently fit. Can they excellently bake bread, grow tomatoes,build a kite, recite poetry, make paper mache, play music, build a table, or any other of a hundred million endeavours that are at least as engaging and worthy of a human being’s time as working out. Nothing at all wrong with exercising to

Three years with no medical insurance and untreated hypothyroidism. Is that valid enough? Not sure how to suck up a chronic condition that could kill me.

Oh, shut up.

Poor Tight Buns hasn’t been able to squeeze a fart out in awhile.

I hate that we demonize people for simply asking.

Except what De Niro is doing isn’t questioning. He’s not going in with an open mind. He’s starting the conversation from the position that vaccines are NOT currently safe, and he’s based that position on widely discredited science and an experience that he “doesn’t remember.” He has a bias here, and it’s built in

All of our current evidence for autistic and spectrum disorders suggests a genetic or in utero link, as in the the neural development that happens in the brain during the second trimester. It simply doesn’t manifest until a later stage of neural development. That it is the approximate same time that vaccinations

They hear the same stories over and over again because that’s what happens in groupthink mentalities - they reinforce each others beliefs and stories and refuse to acknowledge anything that falls outside of it. And it’s not like this belief is innocuous, it has actually killed and seriously harmed people who are

The logic that all vaccines are safe for all people is fundamentally flawed because we are not all the same.

Fuuuuck off. My kid went a little weird around four months old. I guess I could blame it on that round of vaccines, but actually I think she just has a genetic tendency towards anxiety and that’s when I started to notice. I love when people say their babies changed overnight. Babies change. It's what they do. One day

De Niro was 54 and his wife was 43 when they had him. Both those ages increase the chance of autism in a child, his by 66% and hers by 15% and there’s also an added chance if the father is over 10 years older than the mother, like this case.

And for me to get so upset here, on the Today show, with you guys, means there’s something there.