
How about we stop zoo’s too? Unless they are sanctuaries, why must we hold animals captive for our own entertainment.

has violated a condition of his release by failing to comply with his curfew, traveling outside the parameters of his curfew at least eight times

What about the point that it’s degrading whether it’s done to a woman or man?

Agreed. He’s implying that there’s a double standard (which there is) and neither party should be subjected to cat calling (agreed) and that with women they often feel physically threatened (they do). So, I don’t know what’s with Bobby’s criticism.

Actually, I think he’s completely woke. It is a double standard. No woman or man should be subject to catcalling.


THANK YOU, I said the same thing. Xena was my first exposure to a spectrum of sexuality, and it still holds a special place in my heart as one that managed to portray the complicated nature of love (that Xena/Gabriella passionately loved each other AND men AND other women.)

. “Now it wasn’t just that Xena was bisexual and kinda liked her gal pal and they kind of fooled around sometimes, it was ‘Nope, they’re married, man.’”

Well being bisexual means you only KIND OF like your “gal pals” apparently.

Huh. I read it completely differently. I read it as don’t let someone bully you into doing something you aren’t sure about. If you want to say no to the D, then for gosh sakes, say no.

I don’t like it either, and I visibly cringe and talk to my closer friends about it, BUT I do not publicly complain in an email chain about it with people I just met. This woman seems exhausting to me, even though I agree with her.

Yeah- all of these except the bathroom intrusion were a “deal with your kid by talking about it” thing, NOT a “contact other adults and complain” thing.

I’m with the librarian about Point #2. You can’t expect a library to get rid of all the children’s books with subtle sexist messages. Even if the library just got rid of all the books with OVERT sexist messages, it wouldn’t carry any European fairy tales. (Except Hansel and Gretel. Gretel’s a badass.) I think the

Consider the possibility that people did not respond to your concerns in the way you wanted them to because you send them long-assed missives and consequently came across as hostile and rambling.

After Trump’s Chicago rally was cancelled due to mayhem and violence

Her lack of authority didn't slow down the "just say no" campaign, did it? If she'd advocated for AIDS awareness half as hard as she did for her anti-drug campaign think of how much more quickly the conversation could have become productive and how much sooner actual progress could have been made.

This is what I thought...why not spend the $15/hr on a sitter, go somewhere with excellent food, and leave the child at home so the “au pair” can’t bring your kid over to you to interrupt your excellent dinner for child karaoke. I am sure karaoke was cute as hell, but I imagine if I am paying to be child-free I want

Precisely. Being trans doesn’t mean you suddenly will develop compassion and empathy. If you don’t have it to start with, then that’s really who you are.

It’s almost like bad things happen to most movie characters.

My right to undergo expensive healthcare(that i might not be able to afford...) due to my negligence and moronic bragging trump your caution and pleas for regulation.