
Pffft. If they were Real Americans they’d have taken over a bird sanctuary, not attended a rally.

I guess we can agree to disagree on that one. It’s just genetics. I would honestly find it incredibly thoughtless and ungrateful for everything my dad did for me (he did not need to take on the child of a girl he fell for in college) to act like I was missing something by not knowing my sperm donor.

It’s not. Just stop. It’s her responsibility to make sure that if she’s using a new tool in her classroom (her personal phone), allowing students to use it, to make sure it is cleared of inappropriate content someone could easily access. It takes 3 seconds to open the photo app. A student could easily do that under

For their part, the Union County School district maintains that the subject of the photograph is not the problem, rather their objection is to Arthur’s improper supervision of her private property.

The students’ online petition says: “Leigh Anne Arthur is the victim of a blatant attack of her privacy. Personal photographs were illegally obtained by a student and were sent to other students in the school (Union County High). After being escorted off of school property, we (the students) are left to believe that

And she must speak for ALL women, be they cis, transgender, of colour, disabled, rich, poor, etc, etc. If she doesn’t, she’s a racist white feminist MONSTER and we should send her straight to the guillotine along with every other privileged monster out there.

How have we gotten to the point where every celebrity has to say precisely the correct thing regarding every social ill? She’s funny and seemingly desires to be a good person. Is that not enough?

For a woman in comedy to be noticed she has to be exceptional. For a man? Dane Cook and Daniel Tosh would like a word with you.

So you have no opinion on any presidential candidate or any person you've never personally met? I’ve never met Trump, yet I’m pretty confident in my opinion of him. It would be literally exhausting to have to meet every public persona in order to form a judgment. You must be exhausted.

It would make her a fucking asshole who has mental problems as well as being a fucking asshole. Mental disorders may explain but they don’t excuse.

She demonstrated knowledge that what she was doing was wrong, would cause his family to hate her and for the police to come after her. Even in the presence of serious psychological issues which I would argue are not evident here, this ability to discern right from wrong prevents her from using the insanity defense.

Don’t try to put a positive spin on your dickbaggery with that “wise cynic” bullshit that sooooooooo many assholes hide behind.

Naomi Watts always stuns at the Oscars. This has always been a favorite. Sigh.

i feel like ‘just birthing a child’ qualifies as a good flats excuse

I think Jenny Beavan’s amazing rhinestone leather jacket deserves to make the least-boring list. I mean, just LOOK at it.

Also (and I can’t take credit for noticing this, I read it, I think, in a Buzzfeed comment section), watch Evangelical Barbie’s right hand during that “stare at the camera” moment. It sure looks like she’s rubbing her fingers together in the “money” gesture. (It gets cut off a bit in the clip posted in this article,

Agreed. I was going to give this a chance, thought it might be cheesy fun. Seeing this turns me off. Olsen’s spent their childhood’s doing corny straight to video movies. Now they are grown billionaires who would rather not. Had Candice refused to do it because of motherhood and Jesus, there would be Fox news outrage

What does LGBT inclusion mean to you, softcore porn? Of course it’s not going to break the “rules”. In fact, any queer romance will probably be more chaste than hetero ones.

Yeah, but why should they? They were put on the show as babies, they had no say in the matter.

They don’t need the money or the exposure. Should they be leaping at the chance to spend several days in close quarters with a Stepford wife religious fanatic? Team Olsen twins!