
Spade is a derogatory term for a black person. It’s a bit old-timey, so it falls under the radar when people use it sometimes. This person was being a racist dumbshit.

Dude just stop. Only a whiny little boy can’t face the cold hard truth of our gender- we have a large, long, and statistically verified history of violence against women we’re attracted to. Women don’t. It’s us. Our problem. Sitting here thinking the stupid things you do is cowardly. A grown adult acknowledges the

Women do kill men, but they don’t kill men over sexual rejection so repeatedly that it’s a widespread problem. And while we know that most men aren’t that evil...sometimes you don’t know until it’s too late (or you do know, think you’ve gotten rid of the guy, and then he kills you anyway). And so we proceed with

Reading is great, isn’t it? I mean, only 3 of the kids were her bio kids and the other 5 were his from a previous marriage, but that didn’t stop you from making a cheap shot about a story you didn’t read.

16 year old accepted into Harvard, earns PHd University Michigan in Mathematics, Assistant Professor at age 25 at University of California, Berkeley......Ted Kazinski.......Unabomber. Intelligence does not equal innocence.

That the trial was shoddy matters the most. Sorry to sound cliché but when it comes to the law, we cannot allow the ends to justify the means. I am also sorry for Hae’s family but even if Adnan is guilty, he deserves a trial fairer than the one he got, especially since our understanding of technology has changed in

The detectives intentionally ignored so much exculpatory evidence, like the lividity? You’re so right about them just wanting to close cases. What really struck me when listening to Undisclosed was that both detectives on this case, and in fact almost all the detectives who had anything to do with the case, had been

Check your privilege before criticizing someone’s religious dress. Incarcerated people tend to rely on religion to comets terms with their situation.

Not sure if I’ll get any response on this or if anyone even knows, but I’ve researched this everywhere and can’t come up with a solid solution. My best friend sent pictures to her boyfriend at the time and he claims they got stolen off of his laptop and uploaded to these sites. I still doubt this, but my friend

They may look like total dumbasses to smart people like us, but you should see my FB feed.

This is exactly the myopia I mean, though —the idea that the most salient conversation to have regarding this post is about the technical history of ballet, rather than any of the social issues that the article addresses.

Also, the article says she’s taken inspiration from Misty Copeland, but nowhere does it say that she thinks she’s capable of being on the same level as Misty Copeland. I can’t imagine she got out of her first few years of ballet without realizing that it’s a sport that you have to have a very rare combination of

Yup. The “Those assholes got it away with it, why can’t he?” excuse is some major bullshit.

I still find it strange disappointing that defending Terrence Howard’s career against his documented assaults of several women (even more if you include alleged events) is the hill that Daniels finds himself on.

Howard, said Daniels, “ain’t done nothing different than Marlon Brando or Sean Penn, and all of the sudden he’s some fuckin’ demon...”

And was too stupid to not walk the straight and narrow after catching said break. Seriously, he should’ve never even jaywalked again. He HAD to have known he’d be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law if he ever gave them another crack at it. For any crime.

My fave by far was Alicia Vikander that dress was stunning. I have an obsession with Brie Larson and think she's gorgeous and amazingly talented, but I feel like both here and at the Globes whoever is styling her is going for some sort of cheap-prom-dress-from-DEB vibe that I'm not understanding at all. Girl could

But.... you can’t see her outfit

It HAS to be a big deal, as her accusation was certainly a big deal, with repercussions. So the fact that it was all a lie is a huge deal. And that she blamed the migrants/dark skinned people shows she knew enough about current events to make it sound real. Pretty awful thing to do.

You should have written a longer post to help make your point