
I don’t understand this.

The gifts to the nanny and the assistant are even more evidence that David Robert Jones was a oner in the best possible way.

Despite her genuine talent and considerable charm, Rita is pretty much only a thing in England. If this were done there, maybe you’d have a point, but it wasn’t.

Uhhh, isn't emotional distress part of the job description when you decided to become a police officer? It is literally your job to handle distressing situations. It's also the defense apologetics use when explaining why it's okay for you to kill unarmed civilians. This is an extra step of awful.

Her stripper past wasn’t a problem for him while he was sleeping with her for years. Ugh he’s the actual worst. He loves Kim because her personality is so damn pliable, he can mold her into whatever he wants.

DCF workers don’t have any right to refusal and have to take all cases which does result in overburdening. I wish people who get angry at situations like these would think that part of the problem is a resource and training issue and maybe go beyond anger and think about how the system needs to change.

Thanks, but I will bitch all I like. No one said you or others cannot travel with your precious kitty, but rather that for some, being seated near a cat unknowingly can lead to allegic reaction or illness, and this is whether or not one carries meds. As I mentioned, I moved seats and problem was solved. But just so

My third sentence said I moved seats. Keep up those reading lessons, you are almost there, twisty knickers!

God the resonponses you’re getting are so indicative of ... this site.

I'm not American, I'm from New Zealand. I live in Australia. I am well aware of the use of cunt in common language. It's all in the delivery though. You don't just call someone a cunt.

Calling your kids dad a cunt in a very public forum is a great way to make sure your kid can't stand you.

“Because she has probably been aborted,”

How is it that people take something that COULD (in the right hands) be helpful (like having a fully formed factual website full of information on what will be happening to your body and support resources no matter what option you decide) and then be like OKAY BUT LETS PUT LIES ON IT.

Correct me if I’m wrong, but don’t Will and Jada also have production companies? Maybe they should put some money into this issue instead of just boycotting the Oscars. I mean, wasn’t Clooney just crucified around here for just talking and not doing?

I will never understand this idea that multiple women are just telling the same lie about a man. How low of an opinion must you have of women to think that they actively seek to conspire with strangers to “bring down” innocent men, and meanwhile face their own reputations probably being destroyed with bullshit

I know so many idiots raising vegetarian dogs. Ack.

He’s actively working to re-write strong lead roles from male to female, so that’s something. Maybe he will work to do the same with races (which should be quite simpler in most cases). However, I think you do him some injustice with this list. The family in The Decendents were not intended to look native or part

Also worth saying that the writer/director/producer of Gravity is Mexican, and the film had one of the best female roles of the year. That’s a hard one to call out as not being a diverse film.

Yeah seriously. Let’s pick apart everything he says for not using exactly the right words and phrasing that we would have preferred. Let’s write 1500 words about how Clooney’s blanket support isn’t supportive enough...for reasons.