
Yeah, I think blowing your load all over a patient’s face, in a hospital, while they are under your care, is pretty much grounds for being blacklisted from ever being a doctor again in your life. Even if it was consensual.

Accusing a Jew of eugenics. Amazing.

Bernie says: “Bitch please.”

I’m curious about your comment. Yes, this article obviously has a very blatant anti-Trump bias. I don’t think the writers or editors of Gizmodo, or really any of the Gawker properties, are generally interested in serious dialogue. In fact, they would probably happily admit that “juvenile name-calling” is a large

Yeah, but then where would he hide his own money to dodge taxation?

Those are small-government kinds of regulations, like the huge wall.

I saw on Twitter someone posted (paraphrased), “saying ‘save the rainforests’ doesn’t automatically mean ‘fuck all other forests,’” which I appreciated as an analogy for all this “all lives matter” nonsense.

It’s the same logic that hears about diverse casting and thinks about the poor white actors being denied a job.

I will never understand how people seem to think that someone saying "Black lives matter" somehow means "everyone else's life doesn’t" like what kind of mental gymnastics does someone go through to need to shout ALL LIVES MATTER in response?

If MLK was alive today, he would be the face of the TEA Party!

To pretend that slaves were never happy or never had a good day or never smiled is to deny them a basic part of their humanity. That some were friendly with or even loved their masters is undeniable.

I still don’t see how any of that is “fucking up,” or how this has become some kind of thing that needs to be attacked or defended.

“J-Law fucked up”

So how many black women do you want to call liars, how many more black women do you want to allow him to harm?

Seriously? Over 50 women have come forward. He has admitted to using drugs on women he wants to have sex with. What else do you need, a fucking video of him raping all 50 women?

Celebrities become overexposed thanks to us. Then when mission is accomplished, we shit all over them for being everywhere.

The disgusting collaboration of so many people to keep this man from his just punishment is astounding. The hypocrisy, the victim blaming, the denial, the COLLECTIVE’s all part and parcel of the process. And yet, of everything I just read, the fact that Bill Cosby referred to Qualudes as “friends” is what

Anne Hathaway maybe knows something about being built up, put on a pedestal and then torn down for basically no reason. So good for her for saying something.

There are documentaries made about how the CJS has fucked over black people. Murder on a Sunday Morning won an Oscar and is fantastic, Central Park Five is on Netflix, and though 3½ Minutes, Ten Bullets is more about police brutality, it is also about how stand your ground usually only applies to white men.

Because Adnan was a white guy huh? Whatever the case is I'm glad people are seeing the justice system for what it is. A game in which prosecutors and police want to win more than finding who the real guilty person is.