
I live in the third world. I am from thenthird world. This is not theoretical discussion for me. I am directly affected by the war on drugs. I know people who traffic, have trafficked, and the realities they face. Even very very poor people know the consequences of dealing with the cartels. Its a fast life with a

What a moving defense of a murderer and torturer. Brought a tear to my eye.

Omg his name was never Zowie Bowie, everyone needs to stop that

Resentful child syndrome isn't a thing.

I think spinning classes are dumb and faddish, but I also wouldn’t ride my bike in the city I live in. It’s taking your life in your hands. Plus, the weather prohibits it for much of the year. It’s easy to tell others to just ride their bikes, but that’s not actually realistic for a lot of people.

I know the daughters of a woman who had breast cancer, but never did conventional treatment for it. Did all the faith healing, food stuff, and guess what? She’s dead now, died in horrible pain (she refused morphine). Her daughters were 15 and 17 when she died. The stage they caught her cancer at - she most likely

I will remember that while I imagine:

eh. I kind of think it’s funny and I like it. I mean sex IS the main thing you do to make a baby.

Caitlyn jenner is a rich white republican who got away with murder, how is mocking her not punching up. Hell by your logic Jon Stewart punched down his entire career because he made more and influenced more people in one year on tv than the politicans he mocked did in a lifetime

The problem is that a comedian should not host the golden globes. No one can take a joke. Everyone wants him to be simultaneously more funny and less offensive. We should see if we can get that north korean reporter in the pink to just read the results for you people.

Quick note: Duncan’s first name was never Zowie. He’s Duncan Zowie Haywood Jones; they just used Zowie as his nickname for years.

Has someone been watching too much “Making a Murderer”

Not everyone is going to independently realize that they consume a very limited reading diet. Most people will realize it because they read an article about it (like this one!), or hear about it on tv, or very likely, a friend mentions to them that they’ve decided to widen their reading. But under the system

It’s not what Tracy said, it’s what he did. Hounding and harassing the parents of a dead child and accusing them of faking his death is more than just a matter of an academic saying something unpopular or controversial. He verged into criminal harassment. That’s not to say that academics aren’t under fire. Just look

The difference is that one is pretty cut-and-dry, as he was harassing parents of the Sandy Hook murdered children. In her case, there doesn’t appear to be any substance to the school’s assertion that she broke the “statement of faith”, they just don’t want to be associated with someone who is not an extremist in their

Halfway across the country, a professor has been fired from Florida Atlantic University for writing that the Sandy Hook shooting was a hoax to influence the passage of gun control legislation.

Say what you want about this guy, but I’ve been there, wanting to make my dream game and not being able to (I don’t know anything about programming)

“a game where (in my head) you could land a starfighter and get out for some shooting/RPG action”

She’s not boasting, she’s giving a nod to PP for allowing her to have safe, baby-free sex.

I think she’s saying that she likely wouldn’t be as wildly successful at 25 had she gotten pregnant when she was a sexually active teenager and young adult, and the avoidance of such a pregnancy was due, at least in some part, to Planned Parenthood.