
I have the dark dysfunctional flip side to this story (but don’t worry, the outcome was extra ice cream and a story). When I was in third grade the teacher sent home a note that had to be signed (for a class trip, I believe). I was late handing it in because my parents were away. The next morning after they came home

they’re putting the brakes on. obviously.

The local Audubon Society is very displeased with the occupation of the refuge. I wonder if they could amass an army of 1,000 falconers. Imagine them all raising their arms and a thousand birds of prey take flight, darkening the sky. They’re led by 12 great golden eagles. As the birds approach, shrieking, the

They are using threats of violence in an attempt to affect political change. That’s officially ‘terrorism’.

as people use the term ‘due process’ all the time as shortcut, and not in legal sense.

Ah. You not only don’t understand what Due Process means, you also don’t understand the word “convict” or what a burden of proof is. A conviction is something that a judge or jury does in a criminal trial held by the government. A burden of proof is something that a party in a civil or criminal trial must satisfy in

Whatever, I’m here for it. I appreciate Willow and Jaden and their “weirdness”. I appreciate folks in the limelight who show the multiplicity of Blackness. We will have little Black kids who see themselves as weird/different/eccentric, who don’t fit their peers idea of what it means to be Black (and yes, this even

I think it’s ridiculous. If she drove *now* knowing about the condition and without monitoring her blood alcohol level (which I assume she needs to do in the same way a diabetic monitors their sugar level to check her treatment is working) it would be reasonable but she had no way of knowing she was driving drunk. The

My kid’s middle school uses them as instructional tools. There is more to carrying a small computer with you than using it for games. The way I see it, this is how the world is now. I could try to deny that and pretend that it’s the same as it was when I was a kid, but it’s not. So we allow them some freedom, make our

Yeah, to be fair, several commentators on this site said the same thing when jezebel reported on the Lawrence essay. The resounding attitude seemed to be “why do I care about a bunch of rich women?” Which, of course, is incredibly shortsighted because if the highest paid women in our country still can’t get paid what

Back then we had pretty much guaranteed house lines when with friends and pay phones everywhere. Neither of those are common nowadays.

I grew up the same way, but 1) there were a lot more supervised activities a kid could go to and 2) despite that, I was still ordered to go straight home after school and stay around the house until Mom got home. (I also lived in a fairly small town where societal surveillance ran far deeper than we kids realized) My

He’s doing the suing. He’s claiming defamation, which means that the women being sued need to prove they were telling the truth to make it not defamation. They other usual option in this type of trial is proving that the comments didn’t materially hurt him, but we all know that it did, so proving the truth of their

Two different cases. This is the civil suit. The other case that he just got arrested for, is a criminal case.

Now now...Americans believe in mental health when there’s a mass shooting done by a previously law-abiding white Christian man.

I work in IT. If someone complains about his computer being slow several times and it seems OK when I check it, then one day I ignore him and the hard drive crashes, I’m most likely going to be in trouble. And that’s with a computer, not a human life.

No, my mother suffered from blood clots her whole life and one eventually killed her. She would often go to the doctor with a pain only to be told she was fine. The day before she died she was out of breath for no reason, which I now know is a symptom of a pulmonary embolism (or blood clot in the lungs), she called

Remember that time I kept getting told I had pneumonia and my back pain was “unrelated” and we don’t know what’s causing it, but take some Aleve we guess, and then I was diagnosed with STAGE IV CANCER? hahahahahahahafuckyoudoctors

“wouldn’t you call mental health department?”

Sounds like she was the type of person to go to the ER several times, claiming she had pain and the staff never found anything. Crying wolf as a hypochondriac