
It’s Stratfordian theory, and it’s not a theory. Shakespeare actually existed and he wrote those plays. Absence of evidence does not mean evidence of absence. Furthermore, your interpretation of the word “theory” is laughable at best and the movie Anonymous wasn’t “suppressed” it was a dumb movie that was critically

OMG! For no reason at all your post just made me remember Jackson’s oneis footie pajamas with his high school wrestling pictures all over them! YAY!

Let’s be fair here. I studied archaeology in school and have worked on several digs, so I am coming from a place of some knowledge. And I’m afraid that I have to agree that having an all-female team *had* to have been a publicity stunt of some sort, and does in fact lead to some questions about the validity of their

Maybe they got the idea from that fashion show where Lorelai and Emily wore matching red and black suits and posed ADORABLY at the end of the runway. Easily the most hilarious moment of that entire season for me.

I would argue that tipping is not charity, though.

Yep, it’s called taxis, uber or friend. You just pulled Pinkham’s law. Congrats.

I’m sure guys like him do better than you at adult parties. I’m sure your fellow 5th graders love your spooky tales, though.

I think i believe in ghosts even less after reading these. “My entire family is psychic, hawaii is a hotbed of psychic activity. Here’s the ultimate proof: Once, a crazy man on a bus said “oh you can see me”, after i stared at him for 30 minutes. I freaked out, screamed at him and threw up.”

No one knows more about what it takes to make a lifelong commitment work than a 22-year-old with an engagement ring from a frat guy named Brett.

Yes! I feel like if you can’t have that conversation with your partner, then you aren’t actually ready to take that step.

Taste of his own medicine, it seems, given that is exactly what he did with his older children and Nicole.

Since that song was used in one of most iconic scenes from his most iconic film, I don’t think we should read too much into the lyrics. It’s just a textbook example of good old fashioned Tom Cruise narcissism.

A lot of people lose loved ones to depraved murders and they don't drug and rape 13 year olds.

It turns out, what SXSW actually did was decide to put GamerGate apologists on the same stage with people from the Level Up panel, who were supposed to be there to discuss solutions to online harassment.

No the judge was not at all bound by the deal he made. He may have been guilty of other misconduct but he was absolutely right that a psych eval and probation were not an appropriate penalty for anally raping a thirteen year old. And it is within his rights as a judge to reject the terms of a plea.

Yeah, it’s a real mystery why people don’t care that a convicted child rapist was going to have to go back to jail longer.

Shit like this is why I no longer identify as a gamer. Gamergate took that identity away from me. Thanks, assholes.

—I never said he wasn’t a rapist prep bro, I was just alluding to the narrative the author of this article is attempting to portray—

CNN is reporting that Owen Labrie’s parents begged the judge for no time, saying that losing his Harvard acceptance was punishment enough. If you ever want to see how this level of entitlement, assholeness and shittery happens, look no further than the parents. I wish them the worst.

i believe what he is saying is that god sent the iceburg to punish man for transitioning from an agrarian economy to a manufacturing economy