
BBCAmerica broadcast The Rocky Horror Show Live last year, a 2015 stage production that featured Richard O’Brien (Riff Raff in 1975) as one of the narrators. I caught it purely by chance and it was delightful; the particulars can be found at IMDB at the link below, but I can’t find a copy on sale anywhere. http://www.i

Because The Sun knows that giving people a good dose of schadenfreude will increase their circulation? Because Brits always appreciate a good disaster, one with a copper bottom and shiny brass knobs on it? Because an “Oh my God look at the idiots” story makes the idiots who read The Sun feel smarter?

It’s a rollerboard. Not a hoverboard. “Hover” is there because some jackass in marketing decided it sounded better and would sell more units, and also that if you say “hover” enough the wheels become invisible.

And it can sleep six partygoers who all get along rather well. I can attest to this personally.

This is exactly the kind of thing that can happen when you’re popular with a large number of very stupid people.

Don’t you think Clarkson looks tired?

Which only goes to show you the possible results from one unfortunate puck.

Vodka. For children with no teeth, whose entire cocktail life consists of monstrous concoctions whose recipe is vodka-sweet-sweet-garnish.

Mom’s too busy curing a pork belly to write to me about bacon.

That first one? Not a painting. A fresco. Different animal.

I would argue you should join the reality-based community where they absolutely do.

Which truly DOES NOT FIT on the San Francisco street on which I happen to live. It’s the longest street in the the city, has no cross streets except at the beginning and end of the block, running for about three quarters of a mile or so. Most of the street has parking on both sides, and traffic is two-way.

No. people who say you’re a good person are liars. Nice try though.

Also banned, people who scratch and bite. It’s just not allowed in government offices. Laws governing offices in the private sector may vary from state to state.

There’s at least one, and I’ve seen it parked in a grocery store parking lot on California Street here in San Francisco several times. And every time I see it I want to run over it, pet its nose, and rub its tummy until it purrs like a happy little critter.

Pretty sure the guys are hoping that if the woman has no experience, the woman will be forced to think that the guy knows what’s he doing, that he’s a fantastic lover, and that only sex with him is fulfilling and meaningful.

I’d never seen a sauce spoon either until I had dinner at another restaurant in Yountville (where French Laundry is located). Same as you, I asked and learned; and found it a wonderful thing for getting every bit of sauce off the plate and into my mouth without having to pick up the plate and lick it.

I embroidered a cushion for Mr. Elsewhere (we share that particular prefix between us) that said, “Never take a car ride on Christmas Day.”

That’s a pretty nifty definition of fascism, come to think of it.

Well, she did just issue a license to a couple where the male part of the male and female team is transgendered. He even brought his birth certificate in case anyone should ask; it shows he was listed as female at birth. Ms. Davis said she didn’t need to look at the birth certificate and her clerk issued the license.