
Me and my gay husband (it's okay, I'm a gay husband myself) have been together for 22 years, and yes, we worked hard at being successfully together. It means listening and accepting, examining and thinking, practicing kindness to each other (and to ourselves as well). Sometimes it means putting someone else's needs

Picking one car to be the most beautiful? Can’t do it. Cannot. Won’t even try. Each car shown in the comments leaves me in awe and admiration at the marriage of technology and design (with maybe one or two exceptions). Driving — hell, even riding — in any one of these would be the thrill of a lifetime for me.

That lived in the house that Jack built?

My Conrad (Cat of Darkness) was a black cat with emerald eyes, and up until his last illness had remained as playful as a kitten though by all estimates he was around ten years old. Conrad was adopted by us (and us by him) when he was six years old so we always knew we would have less time with him than we would have

Oh yeah? When you get your sixth, seventh, eighth, and ninth job, THEN we'll talk, you miserable slacker.

Weiner [My agents] were like, "You're going to be coming off The Sopranos. I know you love this project, but don't go [to AMC]. It's really low status, no money, and even if they do it, they've never made a show before, and you don't want to be their first one."


While not rich (I mean, at all) I have about 18 egg cups right now, none of which I paid more than $4 for and quite a few for a under a dollar. In fact, I once got four cups for 75¢ at a yard sale that turned out turned out to be Royal Doulton (no hand painted periwinkles, but you can't have everything).

There are 1,440 minutes in a day. To have sex 500 times in a day would be to have sex every 2.88 minutes.

Never write an email when you've been snorting your Adderall XR mixed with your buddies' coke.

Years ago there was a black cat named Morgan. In the living room was an 11 x 16 Persian rug with a center medallion in red and white. Morgan would sit in the exact center of the medallion, paws tucked under and doing a full swan-boat, looking for all the world like a cat-barque sailing a Persian rug sea.

All too true, I'm afraid. The worst of the lot is "Raised Without Cages", which sounds nice except that it's defined as "raised with access to 30 minutes of direct sunlight for at least 50% of its life".

While I think that 17 is still quite young, it's not so young that shouldn't be consequences for your actions. You drink too much, you do something stupid, you pay to clean up your own mess.

Want. Want. Want. Want. Want.

What is that painting over the sofa? A woman wearing stockings, torn lingerie, on her hands and knees with a Japanese toy robot from the 1950's behind her? It sort of resembles a pulp sci-fi paperback cover, but it's a bit strange to find to see it and a dog dressed as Santa riding a Roomba at the same time.

Your new privacy policy end with

Find a copy of 2002's Secretary with James Spader and Maggie Gyllenhaal. It's far from a perfect film, but the premise that two people can mature and grow while involved in a full-on BDSM relationship is a unique one, and the film makes some truly fascinating observations on human sexuality.

Sigh. I used to have one of those. A nice one, too. But as any human being with a body part that hangs off the body in a sort of cantilevered fashion will eventually find out, gravity is not your friend.

I need a cigarette.

I'm from Detroit. Everything I know about milk I learned from Milky, the Twin Pines Magic Clown on WXYZ. Sadly, our milk was always store-bought as I could never convince my mother to try the "worry-free home delivery" from Twin Pines Dairy.