
"and none of us look down on them"? That would be on your home planet of Oblivister?

And the other reason it will probably never change? The idea that "waiting on table" is a respectable career decision is alien to many Americans. So many people see waiting table is a stopgap, a job of last resort, or even as a job so simple that only someone intellectually challenged would do it. It gives them

I can only go by what was witnessed; two of the three people had some sort of issue with each other, and calls to 911 became more and more frequent until they were a weekly occurrence. All that ended after a fistfight between the two of them occurred in front of one of their houses. The police arrived, one of them was

Now that's interesting, as I also have an evangelical background — but my flavor never really talked about the Jews OT covenants. BTW, for those whom this makes little sense, God's covenants are unbreakable; Old testament, new, makes no difference. YMMV, but I was told after I was "saved" that I now had an unbreakable

Corn dogs, veggie or otherwise, should be eaten at street fairs and other vending booths where the oil for deep-frying has been used over and over. At home, no matter how much mustard you put on, they're just not as good.

This is entirely anecdotal (meaning it has no statistical significance) but over the past twenty years we've had four different Buddhist neighbors here in our neighborhood, one of whom was the loveliest woman, very kind, very calm, just the sort of neighbor that makes a neighborhood feel more home-like. The other

I'm always a bit curious about the relationship between Jews and evangelical Christians. This particular flavor of Christianity believes that the End Times will bring the Rapture, where all true believers in Christ will be taken physically up into heaven, and that one of the most important signs of the End Time and

"Basically Heaton had no choice—oil's not like any other 7-year-old girl has ever been very set on being a princess."

Feed me, Seymour. Feeeeeeeeeeed meeeeeeeeee.....

Ah, hommage. Ah, homage. One means a ceremonial acknowledgement of allegiance by a vassal to his or her lord, while the other means a special honor or respect shown or expressed publicly. Same idea, different specific meanings.

Shit happens.

Other names include "Our Village's Favorite Idiot".

Because straight men are obsessed with large penises. Really, it's all they can think about. When he's not thinking about his own penis, the straight man is thinking about what other people are thinking about his penis and whether it's large enough, and he's thinking no, they think it's not large enough, so I need a

Bartleby the Nanny?

Thank you! This is one of the best and most concise guides to beef cuts I've ever seen.

Thanks for that link. It amazes how fresh and alive the Kodachrome colors are, and every single "Rosie the Riveter" is beautiful.

It always gladdens me when I read about Edsel Ford and his forward thinking ideas; his father Henry and he battled, but it was Edsel's influence that developed the Model A in 1927 when the desire to own a Model T was on it's last legs. The Lincoln Zephyr and Lincoln Continental were also developed under his aegis, no

Oh, great. Great with a big brass bottom and shiny copper knobs on. A whole new type of car and still the little fucker doesn't fly. WHERE'S MY FLYING CAR?!? WHERE'S MY FUCKING FLYING CAR??? You PROMISED me a flying car in the 21st century and it's 2014 and I DON'T HAVE ON YET. Get those FUCKING TIRES OFF THE GROUND

But you still don't get to tell people what to get you as a gift. Remember, no one — let me repeat that, no one — is obligated to give you anything. Wedding Guests, remember this; a wedding invitation is not a command to perform the act of gifting. If you like the people and want to give them a gift, that's lovely.

Here is Kim Kardashian's latest wedding dress.