Might be for the animation where she suddenly strangles and breaks the neck of the player––make it so that the game always has her behind the player.
Might be for the animation where she suddenly strangles and breaks the neck of the player––make it so that the game always has her behind the player.
Looks really neat, and I like the direction they’re moving in–-and away from Black Ops IIII. But I kind of need this franchise to die, let all the Bobby Kotick wash off of it, and then come back with something more engaging.
Who will save sketch comedy from Lorne Michaels?
It also feels like the reason this game exists.
It’s fine. Not really a disaster and this review gets at the core of why. You’ll have a fun time at the movies with Chapter 2, and maybe actually get scared only once or twice. The movie doesn’t feel watered down, though, but along with cuts and changes to the story, it has different priorities.
I think it’s D3 trying to grow the playerbase for EDF on Microsoft consoles, as the last couple of EDF games have been Playstation only, and they may be eyeing a port. That’s why you’ll see older, first installments of franchises show up on GwG in advance of sequels coming out or being announced.
The EDF will have you court-martialed for that disrespect, soldier.
So you’re saying it fits in perfectly with all of 76's other content?
Did not know this! As I said, Fortnite kind of lost me. But I feel like the people who do love it, love it for the building AND the shooting.
The building and its ability to be spammed is what put me off of Fortnite in the first place. But that’s also what makes it distinct, now, and players have sunk time into mastering it and shouldn’t have the rug pulled out from under them.
I think Epic should offer some different ways to DEconstruct things (acid gun?…
Yes, forgive me for overestimating your critical thinking skills.
I think you’ve missed the point.
Where do you stand on the “Obama Boys” though?
Hey Jason, just popping in to say that your politics are garbage and you’ve learned absolutely nothing since 2016.
Just to point it out to you: this attitude is why you don’t have irl friends.
Glad I learned about this before the Xbox port launched. That’s $20-30 I can spend towards supporting a developer who doesn’t treat me like a joke!
Playing on console. I’m fine with the control set up as is, I just want them to go back and fix this issue that did not occur before the latest patch.
Yeah, it’s 100% the implementation, not the idea itself. I don’t even mind games with tedious crafting systems (clocked lots of hours in 7 Days to Die), the electricity just feels like an afterthought that’s laid down in the middle of the road to gameplay.
This power system frustration coincided with a bug that deleted every decorative object in my base. I’d jump back in to see if they’ve come back, but that made me put the game down real hard.
Right? It feels like they played Fallout 4 and thought, “This is a neat way to do a power system. But what if we made it...cumbersome.”