
I know from some Disney lore that a number of the, “too scary,” ideas left out of the Haunted Mansion were later incorporated into the Disney World version of Snow White’s Scary Adventures. The ride was actually so scary that they needed to close it and reduce some of these effects multiple times over the course of

It’s just guns; not games.

Exactly. I mean, we can’t rule out him having a friend (or friends, or friend-of-a-friend) inside the company, who can feed him information directly, or through a Discord chat.

But we also can’t rule out Take Two being extremely overzealous and litigious, as they have a track record of acting this way in protecting

It’s funny you called someone out for being a melodramatic baby when I see you replying to almost every comment here.

Even cooler story! You should share it with all of your friends.

I understand wanting to prosecute someone leaking secrets from within the company (which might still exist here, in some capacity) but to do all this over good detective work? Jesus.

The list of reasons not to play Borderlands 3 keeps getting longer for me.

No worries, just wanted to give a thorough answer to make clear that I wasn’t just a gamer angry at games for gaming reasons.

Face/Off is good, you goons.

Most immediately visible was the move to Battle Pass and generally trying to ape Fortnite in passive revenue generation in the same way Fortnite aped, well, almost its entire core gameplay loop from PUBG.

See, the incessant changes and move away from what initially made the game great is what’s lost me from PUBG.

I know change is inevitable, especially in a live multiplayer game, but they’ve pivoted to the point that I can’t care about what this game is anymore, because it will be something different in a few months’

Or it’s one of those glisteny puddles, with parking lot juices and other treasures floating within it.

Played hundred of hours of Titanfall 2.

Deleted Apex from my hard drive after 45 minutes.

Don’t feel bad trashing Delaney. He’s trash. He’s been trash.

Really nice game world and a lot of weapons! End of list!

C’mon now. At least 5,000 emotionally dependent people are still playing it.

Pedant comment: It should be, “no frills,” not, “no thrills.”

Great story, but I’m hoping for a Lame-Youth-Pastor-free Twitch by 2020.

Ever since they stopped adding the multiplayer weapons to single-player, and word got out that they scrapped single player DLC for the more lucrative Online, I haven’t held my breath for anything more than added music tracks.

Euthanize this game. Give the body to the modders––they’ll know what to do.

Can you lay out the difference for me between being negatively obtuse and positively obtuse?